
My mother, Kate V. Scott, was a tireless correspondent with a uniquely engaging writing style. This website presents a posthumous autobiography that I assembled from letters, reports, and other writing in which she described her life as a journalist, a wife and mother, a private pilot, a bookkeeper, a shipping agent, an airline agent, a dog lover, a bridge player, and a traveler.

Carli Scott

The same material has been printed as a series of four paperback books. (They contain a few black-and-white photos, but not most of the photos and images that are in this website.)

(photo by Raoul Clarke)

You can order print-on-demand copies of the books from either Lulu Bookstore or Amazon (personally, I prefer the ones printed by Lulu). Alternatively, you can download the books as PDF files.


These four books are dedicated to the people of Belize, who received the Scotts with a warm welcome and lasting friendships, and who accepted our family as an integral part of the community in which we made our new home.