
December 2007

From email sent December 1, 2007

Yesterday at lunchtime María asked if I remembered the last visit of her niece Soraya and her family. I did—vividly. I went down to see all of them. After a little while, Soraya’s husband Andy grinned at me and said, “I don’t think you have noticed.” He looked downward, and I followed his glance. There, happily sleeping at his feet was a beautiful black Lab puppy, probably not much more than six weeks old. Of course, I ended up holding her.

[Kate with dogs]
Kate (with Raven) meets Duchess, July 2007

María continued that Soraya just has told her that Andy intends to get rid of the puppy because he has decided she was not purebred Lab. He has a purebred male and wants to breed proper Labs. Soraya said she and the children are most unhappy about it, but Andy was unmovable. She offered the puppy to María. María said she would have to check with me.


And that was a laugh! Before she finished her story I had remarked firmly, “Take her.”

I think the puppy, who’s name is Duchess, must be about six months old now. Soraya will have her spayed there by our vet friend, Sheila. María and Alex are going to Corozal in a couple of weeks for Soraya and Andy’s daughter’s quinceañera celebration—a real blast. María hopes to be able to bring Duchess back with them.

I did not intend to get another dog yet. However, we all think having a playmate will be wonderful for Raven. She needs company to romp in the yard now that Missy can’t do it.

I think both dogs will accept the puppy.

To my great relief, Missy’s health did not deteriorate during my absence. She still limps sadly, but she struggles up the steps once or twice a day. We all know the time is coming when her back legs fail her and she can’t stand up. I just hope she can continue as she is for a while longer.

Duchess will be the third dog we have adopted after the owners, for one reason or another, couldn’t keep them.


From email sent December 17, 2007

Duchess on arrival

Duchess is a beautiful black Lab, small, friendly, active. Our first information about the reason Andy wanted to “get rid of her” was wrong. She is purebred, but small for a Lab. He didn’t want her for breeding purposes.

Missy and Raven were understandably taken aback to see a strange dog racing around the garage. Missy quickly informed Duchess that she is the Alpha Dog. Duchess rolled over on her back to pledge acceptance. Raven seemed afraid of the new dog.

The somewhat tentative acquaintance continued as we took the dogs out into the yard. Duchess raced off, circled around, and came back to try to make friends. María and Alex kept the three in their apartment for the rest of the day, where they settled down reasonably well. Both Missy and Raven occasionally made their displeasure with the new dog known and were reprimanded. A&M kept Duchess in with them overnight, thinking it inadvisable to leave her out with the other two.

I heard Missy crying not long after I had gone to bed and brought both Missy and Raven in to spend the night with me. I hoped it would ease their unhappiness at the new dog’s having been allowed to stay inside with María and Alex.


This morning I fed Raven and Missy early then sent them outdoors. I called Alex to ask him to bring Duchess up. She explored the house thoroughly, but would not touch the food I had prepared for her. I hand-fed her a tiny bit, but it did not convince her that kibbles mixed with a little canned dog food was edible. I’ll offer the food to her again next time she is in the house. I suspect that eventually she will decide to eat.


Duchess tags around after Raven, who will have nothing to do with her. Actually, Raven seems shaken by the appearance of another dog, as if she is afraid we won’t love her any more. I am giving her extra attention, hoping to settle her down.

Alex and María decided just to leave the dogs out together when they went to work and to let them figure out how to get along. I will be home all day and will go down to check on them regularly, of course. Fingers crossed that things sort out quickly.

Once Missy and Raven accept Duchess, I think she will be a nice addition to our pack. Duchess is a loving little thing, and I hope she will win them over quickly. Raven has needed a playmate.

L to R: Duchess, Missy, Raven


From email sent December 20, 2007

It was not been an easy three days. We all were enchanted with our new, busy, loving, beautiful black Lab. However, it broke our hearts to watch Duchess cavorting and trying to make friends with Missy and Raven, only to be repulsed by snarls and barks.

My main problem was getting Duchess to eat. Finally I succeeded in having her eating a small amount, thanks to a silly system that was the only one that worked. I brought Raven in with Duchess. I offered the puppy a tablespoonful of the canned Alpo, which I thin slightly with water and use as a gravy over the big dogs’ kibbles. Duchess finally decided that it is edible and licked most of it from a small plate that I held under her nose. Then I let Raven clean the plate. Another tablespoonful…and another… Ridiculous. We went through that process about three times now. Both Tuesday night and Wednesday morning, I felt Duchess ended up having eaten an adequate amount. I decided I had played that game long enough.

I am pleased to report that this morning, I brought Duchess in with our other two for breakfast. I fixed a dog bowl with a small serving of kibbles mixed into plenty of the canned dog food, and she ate it all without hesitation. I think having Missy and Raven gobbling up their food nearby may have helped inspire her. Gradually I will increase the kibbles and cut down on the canned Alpo.


A few minutes ago I had my first training session with Duchess. She “sits” without hesitation. I was surprised that she also would “stay” for the brief time I asked it of her. She was a little reluctant to “come,” but I put a very light strain on the leash, and she responded happily. I’ll try to work with her once or twice a day for the recommended five-minute sessions.

I had all three dogs in the house during bridge yesterday. The players are dog people and like to have them. Raven and Missy simply lay down and slept throughout. Duchess prowled around a bit then settled down and slept in one or the other of the “caves” she has found among the living room furniture. I worried about her having an accident, but she was upstairs from before lunch until after 5:00 pm with no problem.

By the end of the afternoon, it was obvious that Raven was ready to make friends with our intruder. Duchess now tends to run shoulder-to-shoulder with her. Raven looks a little mystified, but no longer snarls. Even Missy has mellowed slightly.

Life is a lot happier than it was just a day ago.


From email sent December 21, 2007

Duchess is the most eager, affectionate little dog ever. She is a perfect beauty of a Lab, despite her size. The situation with the older dogs continues to improve. Raven tolerates Duchess, but has a what-has-happened look in her eyes these days. I am giving her extra attention. Missy goes along in her accustomed way, secure in her Alpha Dog position. She snarled at Duchess when they came in this morning, but Alex and I both jumped on her, and she acted properly chagrined.

I have had two brief training sessions with Duchess. Obviously Andy started training her. I reinforced the “sit,” “stay,” and “come” this morning and added “down.” Some success. Anything involving “down” is an improvement for me. I never have accomplished it in formal training with any of our dogs. They learn eventually just through life-with-us and respond well eventually.


Missy and Raven are in my bedroom. Duchess has been in and out of the house. A little while ago, she ceremoniously presented me with one of the large glass Christmas-tree ornaments, unbroken. I convinced her that it was a no-no, and that the tree was off limits. Maybe.


Apparently Duchess is causing chaos under the house at night. She gets into things that, until now, have remained untouched. Alex said that last night she attacked his new case of Diet Coke. How they intend to handle her depredations, I don’t know. María remarked yesterday that she couldn’t wait for the weekend so she could investigate her yard and see what the new team of Raven / Duchess might have done to it. This time of year it is too dark for her to go into the yard when she comes home from work. The last night Duchess stayed in the house with Alex and María, she chewed up the book Alex was reading because he had dropped it on the floor when he fell asleep. Fortunately, it still was readable despite looking somewhat fringed.

This will sort out eventually, but it makes for an exciting holiday season this year.


From email sent December 24, 2007

Duchess finally seems to have won Raven over completely. They are inseparable—which obviously is the puppy’s choice, not Raven’s. As for Missy, she is her same, secure self, snarling at anyone canine or human who intrudes on her space.

From email sent January 1, 2008

Already Raven tolerates Duchess’s puppy cavorting and plays with her. When Raven lies down, Duchess usually goes over and lies down next to her. Raven still prefers to be on my bed when we are in the bedroom half of the house. Duchess is furious. She circles the bed over and over in obvious frustration, occasionally barking in protest. So far she hasn’t figured out Raven’s system of getting onto the bed using the footstool I leave for her. And I haven’t shown Duchess because I don’t consider it a good idea to let her invade Raven’s private space.