Home of Our Own


When we moved into the Eyre Street house we became friendly with a family who lived half a block away on the corner of Eyre and Cork Streets.

Marie Roe, 1980

Marie Gabourel Roe, a British Honduran whose father was a high Customs official, and Gordon Roe, who had been stationed in Belize in the British Army and returned to marry Marie, welcomed us to the neighborhood.

Their three sons fitted nicely with our children in ages. Brian was older than Alex; Malcolm, exactly Alex’s age; and Adrian, Carli’s. They walked to and from school together and played at one home or the other regularly.

Gordon Roe, 1993

Marie was straightforward, a superb cook, and the sort of mother whose house and heart expand to fit the number of children available. Gordon was a businessman who in the near future would go out on his own, to great success. They were warm, delightful friends and invaluable guides to life in Belize.