Back to Belize

New Opportunity

From letter dated August 27, 1960

We are back in Belize for the summer. Bucher was here off and on with his shipping business since the first of the year. His boat Golden Duchess was wrecked off the coast of Mexico in a storm late in April. We still are waiting for the insurance check, though all the papers finally are in. The insurance company has assured us that they are completely satisfied with every aspect of the claim and sure that every proper procedure was taken to try to save the boat. Meanwhile, of course, we have been out of the freight business.

Terminal at Stanley Field, now Belize Inernational Airport (from collection of Leopold Grinage)

We joined Bucher down here in July. He’s had a hard, disappointing year, with his business showing the most brilliant promise just before the shipwreck. We have had to be apart almost continually, so Bucher really needed the children and me with him. Since I’m lucky enough to have a husband who takes pleasure in my company after fifteen years of marriage, I expect the least I can do is be with him when he needs me. Of course, the trip has been exciting and fun for us as well. You remember that we loved this funny little country, and we all are enjoying being back.

[lobster tails]
Bucher was offered a share of a fish business here, Baymen Fisheries, plus a modest weekly salary to set it up and get it into operation. This actually is a matter of new capital taking over a company which folded before it really got into operation. They have a nice little physical plant with two good-size freezers and room for processing (filleting fish and cleaning lobster and cutting their tails off).

Since the Miami partner has a large, well-established wholesale fish company in Miami, we also have an automatic outlet for our fish, though right now he  would like about 50 times what we are able to produce! Furthermore, once Bucher can get another boat into operation, the Miami man will help him get refrigeration equipment for it so our little Caribbean Navigation Company will be able to ship the fish and lobster to him. The new boat is owned by a friend and business associate of Bucher’s here and at present is up just over the border in Mexico.

As usual, all our loose ends tie in together. Accepting this meant more or less getting stock in the company for no capital investment plus a salary—which was more than we have had since the boat sank on us! It also gave us a chance to be down here to supervise and expedite fitting-out of the new boat (neither of which has happened yet).