Activate the sourdough starter by feeding it about every 12 hours over a two-day period:
- In the morning, two days before starting to make bread, remove the starter from the refrigerator. Transfer the starter from the jar to a medium-sized bowl; there should be about a cup of starter. Wash the jar so it will be ready for storing the left-over starter.
Sourdough starter ready for feeding - Feed the starter.
- Cover the starter and put it aside in a warm location (about 80° F) so the yeast will grow.
Cover bowl of starter after feeding I warm our electric oven to about 80° F while feeding the starter, then turn the oven off and leave the bowl in the closed oven.
Place covered bowl with starter in warmed oven - In the evening (after approximately 12 hours), bubbles in the starter indicate that the yeast is growing.
Starter with yeast beginning to bubble Stir the starter. Keep about a cup of it (probably about half what’s in the bowl) and discard the rest.
- Feed the starter and leave it to grow, as in Steps 2 and 3.
- The next morning (the day before starting to make bread), feed the starter and leave it to grow, as in Steps 2 and 3.
- Again that evening, stir the starter and discard about half, as in Step 4, then feed the starter and leave it to grow, as in Steps 2 and 3.