
This vocabulary includes words from Historia de una escalera and En la ardiente oscuridad.


past participle
v. i.
intransitive verb
v. refl.
reflexive verb
v. t.
transitive verb


A [^Top]

abalanzarse, v. refl., to rush forward, to rush at

abochornar, v. t., to shame; to make flushed

abonarse, v. refl., to subscribe to, to sign up for

abrumado, adj. (pp. of abrumar, to overwhelm), overwhelmed

abrumar, v. t., to overwhelm

abstraído, adj. (pp. of abstraer, to become lost in thought), absorbed, engrossed, distracted

¡abur!, interj., so long!, see you!

acabar, v. t. & v. i., to finish, to end; to use up;
— por, to end up

acallar, v. t., to silence, to hush

acechar, v. i., to lurk, to lie ahead

achulado, adj., cocky, crude

acierto, m., skill, ability;
tener el — de, to know exactly how to

acoger, v. t., to receive, to greet

acongojado, adj. (pp. of acongojar, to distress, to make suffer), troubled, pained

acritud, f., bitterness

acusar, v. t., to acknowledge, to indicate awareness of

adecuado, adj., appropriate, suitable

adelgazar, v. t. & v. i., to lose weight

adepto, m., follower, supporter

afectarse, v. refl., to be affected, to be moved

afectuoso, adj., affectionate

agachar, v. t., to bow; to cower; to duck down

agazaparse, v. refl., to hide, to lurk, to cower

agolparse, v. refl., to crowd together

agotado, adj. (pp. of agotar, to exhaust, to wear out), worn out, exhausted

agradecimiento, m., gratitude

agredir, v. t., to attack, to come after

aguantar, v. t., to endure, to put up with

ahogadamente, adv., secretively, in a muffled manner

ahogo, m., anguish, distress

alféizar, m., windowsill

alisarse, v. refl., to smooth

alocado, adj., wild, thoughtless, rash

alterado, adj. (pp. of alterar, to change; to upset; to unnerve), upset, shaken

altercado, m., quarrel

amargar, v. i., to taste bitter; v. t., to make bitter; to embitter

amargura, f., bitterness

amartelado, adj., lovey-dovey, mushy

amenaza, f., threat;
—s que no se cumplen, empty threats

amenazador, adj., threateningly

amenazar, v. t. & v. i., to threaten

amigote, m., pal, chum

aminorar, v. t. & v. i., to lessen, to decrease

amoscado, adj., suspicious, wary; irritated

angustiado, adj. (pp. of angustiar, to upset, to make anxious), distressed, upset

anhelo, m., longing, yearning

apaleado, adj. (pp. of apalear, to beat; to winnow), beaten, whipped

aparejador, m., master draughtsman

apartar, v. t., to move away; to separate; to put aside

apañar, v. t., to cook up, to fix (meal)

apenar, v. t., to sadden, to be grieved

apertura, f., opening (session), opening, start

aplacador, adj., appeasing

aporrear, v. t., to beat, to thrash

apoyarse, v. refl., to lean; to hold on

aprehensión, f., perception, understanding

apremio, m., insistence

apresurado, a, adj. (pp. of apresurar, to hurry), hurriedly

apretar, v. t., to squeeze; to tighten

aprovechar, v. t. & v. i., to make the most of; to benefit from;
que aproveche, enjoy your meal

apurarse, v. refl., to be worried; to rush

aquejar, v. t., to afflict, to suffer from

arder, v. i., to burn, to glow;
— el rostro, to burn/get red in the face

ardiente, adj., burning, hot; passionate

argucia, f., deceptive argument, insidious argument

arrancar, v. t., to uproot; to snatch; to start, to take off

arranque, m., start; outburst; determination;
no tenéis —, you do not have any drive

arrastrar, v. t., to drag

arrebato, m., fit, outburst

arreciar, v. i., to get stronger, to get worse

arrellanarse, v. refl., to sit back, to settle down, to stretch out

arrobado, adj., entranced

arrullo, m., billing and cooing, seductive talk

asco, m., disgust;
dar —, to disgust;
¡qué — de vida!, what a dog’s life!

asentar, v. t., to establish, to settle; to note down; to set

asomarse, v. refl., to peek/peer out

asombro, m., astonishment, surprise

asustado, adj. (pp. of asustar, to frighten), scared, taken aback

atajar, v. t., to interrupt; v. i., to take a short cut

atendiendo, part., listening

atildado, adj., smart, neat

¡atiza!, interj., what a bust!, what a jerk!

atolondrado, adj. (pp. of atolondrar, to stun, to bewilder), silly; bewildered

auxiliar, m., helper, assistant

avenirse, v. refl., to get on well; to be in agreement

aviar, v. t., to tidy up; to get ready; to supply

aviso, m., warning, notice

azotes, m. (pl.) , whipping

B [^Top]

bajar, v. t. & v. i., to descend; to lower

balbuceante, adj., stuttering

balde, m., bucket, pail;
de —, adj., free, dirt cheap

bálsamo, m., balm; comfort

barandilla, f., banister

¡basta!, interj., enough!

bastarse, v. refl., to suffice, to be enough

benévolo, adj., kind, understanding

bigote, m., mustache;
—s lacios, drooping mustache

bombilla, f., light bulb

bronca, f., uproar

C [^Top]

cabalmente, adv., exactly

cacharra, f., milk pitcher

cacharro, m., rough vessel/vase

cajetilla, f., pack (of cigarettes)

calmoso, adj., quietly, slowly

canalla, f., scum, riffraff

cantinela, f., refrain, tired story

capacho, m., basket

cargar, v. t., to load; to charge; to burden with;
— con pepe, to be stuck with pepe

carraspear, v. i., to clear one’s throat

carrocería, f., body (of a car)

casilla, f., hut; pidgeonhole; square;
sacar a ALGN de sus —s, to drive SB mad, to egg SB on

casualidad, f., coincidence

cátedra, f., university professor, faculty member

caviloso, adj., in thought, brooding

ceguera, f., blindness

cenicero, m., ashtray

cerilla, f., match (for lighting cigarettes, etc.)

cerrar, v. t., to close;
a punto de —, just about to close

chaflán, m., chamfer, bevel, long narrow face made by plane cutting across dihedral angle

chistar, v. i., to speak

chivato, m., rascal

chulo, m., pimp

clavellina, f., pink (flower), carnation

cobrador, m., collector (bills)

coger, v. t., to catch; to take

cojo, adj., crippled, lame

colmo, m., peak, height, limit

combinación, f., combination; slip (garment); scheme;
le salió mal la —, your scheme failed

compadecido, adj. (pp. of compadecer, to feel sorry for), feeling pity, compassionately

compaginar, v. t., to be compatible, to go with

complaciente, adj., obliging, helpful; amiable

complicación, f., complication, difficulty;
buscar le a ALGN —es, to make life difficult for SB

compostura, f., composure

comprometido, adj. (pp. of comprometer, to get engaged; to compromise), engaged, in a relationship

compungido, adj. (pp. of compungir, to sadden), sorrowful

concedido, adj. (pp. of conceder, to concede; to to attach), agreed

concretarse, v. refl., to state explicitly; to sum up

condenada, f., vixen

condescendencia, f., graciousness, pleasantness; condescension;
por —, to be nice, to accommodate

condolido, adj., sympathizing, feeling sorry

congeniar, v. i., to get on, to get along with

congoja, f., anguish, distress

conmiserativo, adj., with sympathy/compassion

conmover, v. t., to move, to touch; to shake

conmovido, adj. (pp. of conmover, to move/touch; to shake), moved; shaken

conquista, f., conquest, person won over (by argument)

conseguir, v. t., to get; to succeed in

consentido, adj. (pp. of consentir, to spoil; to allow; to withstand), spoiled rotten

consentidor, adj., indulgent

consentir, v. t., to allow, to permit; v. i., to take, to withstand

conservarse, v. refl., to survive; to keep well;
se conserva la mocita, the girly/babe still looks pretty good

consumido, a, adj. (pp. of consumir, to consume; to destroy; to waste away), emaciated

contador, m., meter

contagio, m., contagion, infection

contrariedad, f., annoyance; setback;
de —, annoyed

contristado, adj. (pp. of contristar, to make sad), saddened

conveniencia, f., advantage, benefit

copudo, adj., bushy, thick

coquetería, f., flirting; affectation

correspondencia, f., response

cortar, v. t., to cut; to interrupt; to block;
— por lo sano, to make a fresh start;
— a ALGN un traje, to criticize someone who is away

cosquilleo, m., tickling

costar, v. i., to cost; to be difficult; to take;
¡qué poco te cuesta humillar a los demás!, how easily you humiliate others!

cotilleo, m., gossip, tattling

cotizar, v. t., to quote; to sell; to be in demand;
—se caro, to be conceited

cresta, f., cockscomb

crío, m., kid, child

crispar, v. t., to irritate, to piss off; to tense, to tighten

cristal, m., glass; window

cristalera, f., window panel

cuajado, adj. (pp. of cuajar, to fill with; to coagulate; to fit in), filled, brimming

cualquiera, pron., any; anybody;
una —, a slut, a hussy

cuartilla, f., sheet of paper

cuarto, m., money, fortune (colloq);
los —s de su padre, her father’s money

D [^Top]

dar, v. t., to give; to strike; to apply; to tell;
— tierra, to bury;
—se cuenta, v. refl., to be aware, to realize

debajo, adv., below, underneath;
estar por —, to be below/put down

dejar, v. t., to leave;
un hombre se deje los huesos, a person wears himself out

delantal, m., apron

delatar, v. t., to reveal, to betray

delgaducho, adj., skinny, scrawny

delineante, m., draughtsman

¡demontre!, interj., damn it!

demudado, adj., pale, changed

denotar, v. t., to indicate

dependiente, m., clerk, salesperson

desabrido, adj., ill-tempered

desagradar, v. i., to displease, to not like

desagrado, m., displeasure

desahogarse, v. refl., to vent, to pour out; to get (something) off one’s chest

desaliento, m., discouragement, depressed state

desaliño, m., untidiness, scruffiness

desasirse, v. refl., to break away; to free oneself

desautorizar, v. t., to discredit

desazón, m., upset, worry

descaradamente, adv., shamelessly, brazenly

descaro, m., brazenness

desconcertado, adj. (pp. of desconcertar, to disconcert, to confuse), confused, upset

desconcertante, adj., disconcerting, upsetting

descorrido, adj. (pp. of descorrer, to draw/open; to retrace), open (curtain, drape)

¡descuide!, interj., don’t worry

descuido, m., negligence; mistake; oversight;
como al —, as if by accident

desembocar, v. i., to arrive

desembuchar, v. t. & v. i., to come out with it, to come clean about; disgorge

desencantado, adj. (pp. of desencantar, to disenchant; to disillusion), disillusioned, disappointed

desgana, f., lack of enthusiasm, reluctance

desgraciado, adj., unfortunate, wretched; wretch (m)

desgranar, v. t., to send out, to transmit, to broadcast

deslomar, v. t., to break back; to wear out

desorbitado, adj., wide-eyed

despechugarse, v. refl., to bare one’s chest

despectivo, adj., contemptuous, disparaging; pejorative, derogatory

despegado, adj. (pp. of despegar, to detach; to lose affection), indifferent, distant

despojar, v. t., to remove, clear

despreciar, v. t., to despise

despreciativo, adj., scornful

desprecio, m., contempt, scorn

desprenderse, v. refl., to break away

desternillarse, v. refl., to split one’s sides laughing, to be in stitches

desunir, v. t., to divide; to cause discord

desvanecido, adj. (pp. of desvanecer, to dispel; to vanish; to faint), unconscious, out cold

desvivirse, v. refl., to do one’s utmost; to be devoted

desánimo, m., dejection, discouragement

dichoso, adj., happy; fortunate

diente, m., tooth;
entre —s, muttering

disparate, m., foolish act, blunder;
qué —, how ridiculous

¡dispensa!, interj., forgive me!, pardon me!

distinguir, v. t., to distinguish; to mark

doler, v. i., to hurt; to be sorry; to distress;
no me duelen prendas, I’m not afraid of words

dolido, adj. (pp. of doler, to ache; to be sad; to be sorry), hurt, pained

dubitativo, adj., doubtful

duelo, m., mourning, grief;
presidir el — de tu padre, to preside over your father’s funeral

duro, durillo, m., money (5 pesetas);
unos —s, a few dollars

E [^Top]

echarse, v. refl., to begin to; to put on; to get; to throw oneself;
— novia, to get a girl friend

embocar, v. t. & v. i., to guzzle; to make believe; to make one’s way to

embustero, m., liar, fraud

empalidecer, v. i., to get/look pale

emparejados, adj., side by side

empeñarse, v. refl., to insist

emplazar, v. t., to call together; to locate;
te emplazo, let’s make a bet

emprendedor, adj., enterprising; resourceful; go-getter

empujar, v. t., to push

enajenado, adj., carried away

encandecerse, v. refl., to get white hot, to light up

encanecer, v. i., to get gray (hair)

encarrilar, v. t., to guide; to put on the right track

encoger, v. t. & v. i., to shrink, to contract;
— se de hombros, to shrug one’s shoulders

encontradizo, m., meeting;
hacer el —, to arrange a

enderezarse, v. refl., to straighten up

endurecer, v. t., to harden; to toughen

enfadado, adj. (pp. of enfadar, to make angry; to annoy), annoyed

enfadarse, v. refl., to get angry; to get annoyed

enfado, m., anger; irritation

enfurruñarse, v. refl., to sulk; to get in a huff

engarfiar, garfear, v. t., to clench, to make like a claw

engañar, v. t., to deceive

englobar, v. t., to bring together, to include

enlace, m., bond, link, connection

enlazar, v. t. & v. i., to link; to embrace; to get married

enredador, m., meddler

enrejado, adj. (pp. of enrejarto put a mesh on; to put railings around), encased in mesh

ensayar, v. t. & v. i., to practice, to rehearse

enterarse, v. refl., to find out; to realize;
¡y que no se entere tu madre de esto!, don’t let your mother know about this!

entierro, m., burial;
— de primera, first-class burial

entrante, m., alcove, entrance

entrecortadamente, adv., short of breath

entristecido, adj. (pp. of entristecer, to sadden), saddened

entrometido, m., intruder, meddler, busybody; nosy (adj)

envalentonado, adj., brazenly

escalpelo, m., scalpel

escalón, m., step

escuálido, adj., slovenly

esfuerzo, m., effort

espadín, m., rapier, narrow sword

espinilla, f., shin

espolón, m., spur

esquivar, v. t., to avoid; to elude

esterilla, f., mat

estilográfica, f., fountain pen

estorbo, m., obstacle, hindrance

estrecheces, m. (pl.) , austerity, straits

estupefacto, adj., dumbfounded, taken by surprise, speechless, stupified

exaltado, adj. (pp. of exaltar, to exalt; to get worked up), worked up, impassioned

F [^Top]

faltar, v. i., to lack; to be missing; to be needed; to be rude;
no faltaba más, that’s the least we can do, that’s all I need;
si antes te falté, if I lacked respect for you before;
y no falte, watch your language

faz, f., face

flaqueza, f., weakness, fault

fondo, m., bottom; background;
a —, adv., in depth, thoroughly

forcejear, v. i., to struggle; to push

forcejeo, m., struggle; push

formidable, adj., great, wonderful

foro, m., back of stage

forrar, v. t., to line; to upholster; to make money;
se esta forrando el riñon, he is making money hand over fist

fumadero, m., smoking room/area

G [^Top]

galería, f., balcony, varanda

galvanización, f., galvanizing; reactivation

gana, f., wish; appetite;
de buena —, willingly

gandul, m., lazy good-for-nothing

gandulazo, m., good-for-nothing

gentuza, f., rabble

golfa, f., whore

gorra, f., cap

gracioso, adj., funny, witty, charming

granuja, adj., no-good, scoundrel, sly one

gruñón, adj., crabby

guardar, v. t., to keep; to harbor;
no me guardes rencor, don’t bear me a grudge

guerra, f., war;
tenerle — (declarada) a ALGN, to have it in for SB

guiñapo, m., rag

guisado, m., stew

H [^Top]

¡hala!, interj., get moving!; get out!; come on!

halagar, v. t., to flatter; to please

harto, adj., fed up; satiated

hermético, adj., impenetrable, secretive

holgado, a, adj., idle; roomy, comfortable; well off

hortera, f., an insignificant cog in a wheel

hosco, a, adj., sullen

hueco, m., stairwell

huelga, f., strike

huir, v. i., to flee; to avoid

I [^Top]

iluso, m., dreamer, naive person

imán, m., magnet; imam

importar, v. i., to matter; to amount to

importuno, adj., inopportune, troublesome

improcedente, adj., inappropriate, unacceptable; inadmissible

incidencia, f., impact, consequence; thing related to/consequent to

incurrir, v. i., to fall into

indumento (indumentaria), m. (f.) , clothes, dress

inefable, adj., indescribable, hard to put in words

inmutarse, v. refl., to appear surprised, to manifest surprise

inoportunidad, f., inconvenience

insinuante, adj., suggestive, insinuating

insinuarse, v. refl., to hint, to suggest

intemporalmente, adv., untimely, inappropriately

interpelar, v. t., to question, to interrogate

invidente, m., one who cannot see, blind person

iracundo, adj., raging

irreductible, adj., irreducible, unavoidable

irremediable, adj., not fixable, not curable

irreparable, adj., incurable, hopeless

J [^Top]

jadeante, adj., breathing heavily, panting

juntarse, v. refl., to get together (with); to go out (with); to move in (with);
se juntó con pepe, she went to live with pepe

L [^Top]

lacrimoso, adj., tearful

ladino, adj., astute, sly, knowing

lagartona, adj., foxy

lágrima, f., tear

lanzar, v. t., to throw; to launch;
después de lanzarlas, after launching them (as prostitutes);
lanzarse, v. refl., to enter into the fray, to get going

largarse, v. refl., to go, to leave;
puedes largarte, get the hell out of here

¡largo!, interj., get lost!

lascivio, adj., lascivious, lewd

lateral, m., side; lateral;
— derecho, right wall

leal, adj., fair; loyal; trustworthy

lealmente, adv., honestly, in good faith

lechera, f., milk pitcher

levantar, v. t., to raise; to lift; to remove;
no levantó cabeza, he lost all interest

licenciado, m., graduate

ligereza, f., carelessness, frivolousness

limpiarse, v. refl., to clean; to wipe; to pinch;
¡a — de mi nieta!, stay clear from my granddaughter!

llavín, m., latchkey

llegar, v. i., to arrive; to get (to); to become;
llega muy lejos, he will go far

locuelo, adj., loony

lograr, v. t., to succeed;
nunca lograremos mejorar la vida, we shall never succeed in improving our lives

lozanía, f., healthiness, lustiness

lío, m., predicament; argument

M [^Top]

madera, f., wood; spine;
no tienes tú — para esa vida, you were not cut out for that life

mahón, m., fine cotton fabric;
azul —, faded blue

malear, v. t., to make conceited

maligno, adj., evil, malicious

malogrado, adj. (pp. of malograr, to waste; to ruin), short of developing full potential

mamporro, m., punch, thump

manco, adj., missing an arm

manga, f., sleeve

mano, f., hand;
—s enlazadas, hand in hand

manotazo, m., slap; swipe

mansedumbre, f., tameness, docility;
con —, meekly

marchando, part., getting along

marrano, m., pig; dirty person; f., slut

matarse, v. refl., to die, to be killed

menos, adv., less;
— mal, thank God, all the better

mentar, v. t., to mention

menuda ladronera, “”highway robbery””

meterse, v. refl., to get into; to get involved with;
que no se meta conmigo, he should not meddle with me;
¿me meto?, do I butt in?

mezquino, m., miser (m); stingy, lowly adj.,

mimo, m., caress; pampering, overprotection

mocoso, m., snotty-nosed kid

molestarse, v. refl., to bother; to take offense;
no te molestes en fingir, don’t try to pretend

monada, f., beauty, darling

monsergas, f. (pl.) , gibberish

montón, m., heap, mound;
— de años, for a long time

moral, m., morale, spirits

moro, m., Moor;
lanzada a — muerto, fighting an imaginary foe

moteado, adj. (pp. of motear, to sprinkle with specks/flecks), dotted, speckled

moza, f., girl, babe

muralla, f., city wall;
—s interiores, inner walls/inhibitions

musaraña, f., shrew; cloud before eyes; facial expression;
pensar en las —s, to daydream

mustio, adj., downcast, sad

N [^Top]

nada, adv., nothing;
— más, only; as soon as

nena, f., baby; dear

niño, m., baby; child;
— de pecho, a nursing baby

noviazgo, m., engagement

nudillo, m., knuckle

O [^Top]

obstinarse, v. refl., to persist, to insist

ojeada, f., glance, quick look;
lanza expresivas —s, she glances expectantly/expressively

P [^Top]

palabrería, f., hot air, idle talk

palmotear, v. t., to pat on the back

pantalla, f., screen; shade;
hacer se — con las manos, to shade one’s eyes with one’s hands to see better

paño, m., cloth, hankie;
hacer a ALGN — de lágrimas, to make SB a shoulder to cry on

papanatas, m., simpleton, sucker

par, adj., equal; even; m., pair;
de — en —, wide open

paraninfo, m., assembly hall (university)

parar, v. i., to stop; to stay;
dónde han ido a —?, what has happened to (them)?

parecer, m., opinion, mind, thinking;
cambiar de —, to change one’s mind

pared, f., wall;
una — que rompe en ángulo, a diagonal wall

partir, v. t. & v. i., to split;
que los parta un rayo, may they be struck down by lightning

pasamanos, m., handrail

pasta, f., paste; pasta; pastry; money;
es de la — de su familia, she takes after her family

patada, f., kick; stamping of feet;
da pueriles pataditas, she childishly stamps her feet

patín, m., skate, skateboard

pecho, m., chest; breast;
le daré el —, I will nurse him

¡pécora!, interj., evil and vicious woman!

pega, f., slap, blow;
con —s y con líos, with slaps and arguments

pegajoso, m., clingy one, cuddler

peineta, f., ornamental comb;
¡qué buenos, ni que —s!, nonsense, we are not that good!

peldaño, m., step

pellizcar, v. t., to pinch, to nip at

pena, f., effort; pain;
no merece la —, it is not worth the effort

peña, f., buddies, group of friends, gang

percance, m., mishap, untoward event

perder, v. t., to lose; to waste; to be the ruin of;
perderla a ella también?, ruin her also?

peripecias, f. (pl.) , give and take, turns, changes of direction

perjudicar, v. t., to be bad for;
eso te perjudica, it is to your disadvantage

perruno, adj., dog-like

pesar, m., regret; sorrow, grief

peste, f., pest; plague;
¡— de vecinos!, interj., damned neighbors!

petaca, f., tobacco pouch

pícaro, m., scamp

pichón, m., pidgeon; darling;
no te pongas así, —, don’t act like that, darling

pindonguear, v. i., to gallivant;
ya has pindongueado bastante?, haven’t you gallivanted enough?

piropo, m., compliment, flirtatious comment;
¡cómo te pones por un —!, why are you so upset because of a compliment!

piso, m., floor; flat, apartment;
pisito, little apartment

pisotón, m., stomp, misstep;
pegar un —, to stumble, stomp on something

pitillo, m., (home-made) cigarette

pizca, f., (little) bit

plazo, m., interval;
— más breve, shortest possible time

polvorón, m., short cake;
ni con —es, not even if they beg me

ponerse, v. refl., to put; to set; to become; to start;
ella se le ha puesto delante, she chases after him

portal, m., entrance

portalada, f., windowed facade

portazo, m., slamming of door;
cierra con un —, she slams the door

práctica, f., practice; skill;
en la —, in practice

precipitado, adj. (pp. of precipitar, to rush; to push, to throw), hasty, rash

precipitar, v. t., to push, to throw;
precipitarse, v. refl., to fall

predilecto, m., favorite, pet

prenda, f., talent, capability

presentir, v. t., to have a feeling/presentiment

prestancia, f., good looks

presunción, f., supposition, presumption

presuntuoso, adj., conceited, vain

presuroso, a, adj., hurriedly, in a hurry

privación, f., hardship

procurar, v. t. & v. i., to try; to procure;
procúralo, por favor, please try;
¿procuras hacerte el encontradizo con ella?, are you trying to meet her as if by accident?

pronto, adv., early; fast

proscenio, m., proscenium, front of stage

puchero, m., stewpot;
poner el — sin tener cuartos?, put on the stewpot without money?

pueril, adj., childish

pugilato, m., fight; boxing match

pulcramente, adv., neatly

punto, m., point;
a —, at the ready

puñadito, m., a pinch

puño, m., fist; cuff;
en un —, worried, in a tizzy

Q [^Top]

quedar, v. i., to remain; to end; to be, to be left; to agree;
en qué quedamos?, what have we decided?

quicio, m., threshold

quitar, v. t., to remove, to take away

R [^Top]

rancho, m., ranch; mess;
formar — aparte, to go one’s own way

rapto, m., outburst, fit

rascarse, v. refl., to scratch; to scrape;
ganas de — el bolsillo, the will to dig into his pocket

raso, m., satin

reapropiación, retaking possession; reappropriation

rebosar, v. t. & v. i., to brim, to overflow

rebozo, m., concealment, disguising, pretext;
sin —, openly, frankly

reconcentrado, adj. (pp. of reconcentrar, to concentrate, to bring together; to conceal), absorbed, engrossed

recordar, v. t. & v. i., to remind; to remember

recurso, m., resource

redondear, v. t. & v. i., to round out, to flesh out;
— el presupuesto, to make ends meet

refractario, adj., reluctant, unwilling

refunfuñar, v. i., to fume; to complain

regañadientes, m. (pl.) , grinding teeth;
a —, adv., reluctantly, against his will

rehuir, v. t., to avoid, to shun

rellano, m., landing (stair)

rendido, adj. (pp. of rendir, to defeat; to wear out; to produce), exhausted

reñir, v. t. & v. i., to scold; to fight, to quarrel;
viene riñendo, he comes scolding

reojo, m., corner of eye;
de —, out of the comer of his eye

reparar, v. t. & v. i., to hesitate, to delay

repiquetear, v. i., to beat, to tap

reportado, adj. (pp. of reportar, to bring (to); to restrain), dutifully

reportarse, v. refl., to restrain OS, to control OS

representar, v. t., to perform, to act; to imagine, to picture

reprimir, v. t., to repress; to control;
reprimiendo su ira, containing his anger;
reprimirse, v. refl., to control oneself

resollar, v. i., to breathe heavily, to pant, to huff

retiro, m., retirement

reto, m., challenge

retorcer, v. t., to wring, to fidget

retoño, m., sprout, shoot

retrato, m., portrait;
¡es mi vivo —!, he is my spitting image!

revés, adj., reverse;
¿no será al —?, isn’t it the other way around?

rezongar, v. i., to grumble

risueño, adj., smilingly; smile m.,

romboidal, adj., rhomboid-shaped

rondar, v. t. & v. i., to do the rounds; to hang out; to woo;
si rondas, whether you are fooling around with

ropa, f., clothing;
ropita de paseo, sunday best

rorro, m., baby, child

rozarse, v. refl., to hobnob with

roñoso, adj., stingy; mangy, dirty;
¡qué —s!, what tight-wads!

S [^Top]

sacaperras, m., scheme/machine to lure SB to spend/waste money

sacar, v. t., to take out; to get;
qué sacáis en limpio de esos líos?, what benefit do you get from this struggle?

salir, v. i., to exit; to end up, to turn out;
no podré — adelante, I will not be able to get ahead;
¡pues no te saldrás con la tuya!, you won’t get your way!

salmodiar, v. i., to drone; v. t., to sing psalms

sanguíneo, adj., impulsive

saña, f., fury

sartenazo, m., a blow with a frying pan

seso, m., brain, mind; sense;
sorber le a ALGN el —, to have SB under one’s control/spell, to turn SB’s head

sigilo, m., stealth, secrecy, discretion

sincerarse, v. refl., to open one’s heart, to come clean

sindicarse, v. refl., to join/form a union

sindicato, m., union

sobrarse, v. refl., to be more than sufficient/enough

socarronamente, adv., slyly (knowingly); sarcastically

solapa, f., lapel

soler xxx, v. i., to be in the habit of xxx, to usually xxx

sonsacar, v. t., to wheedle; to worm out;
que harías bien impidiéndole que sonsacase a, you would do well to prevent him from messing with

soñador, adj., dreamily, distractedly

soplar, v. t. & v. i., to blow; to steal away

sordo, adj., deaf;
¡—!, interj., I refuse to listen!

subir, v. i., to rise; to succeed;
yo subiré, I will succeed

suegro, a, m., father/mother-in-law

suficiencia, f., self-sufficiency

sufrir, v. t. & v. i., to suffer; to put up with;
como no sea — por ellos, all we do is suffer because of them;
¡no puedo sufrirte!, I cannot stand you!

sujetar, v. t., to control, to subject

susceptible, adj., sensitive, touchy

suspicacia, f., suspicion, distrust

susto, m., fright

T [^Top]

tahalí, m., baldric, belt across shoulder to waist to hold sword sheath

tajante, adj., cutting short, emphatic

tal, adj., such;
otra que —, two birds of a feather

tallo, m., stem, pedestal

tantear, v. t. & v. i., to feel (one’s way)

tanto, pron., as much, so much, as long;
en — que, while;
que no es para —, why get so upset;
un — para ALGN, a little something for SB

tarambana, f., harum-scarum

telón, m., curtain;
nada más levantarse el —, as soon as the curtain rises

tender, v. t., to hand over

tener, v. t., to have;
y a — ánimo, don’t give up

tenorio, m., womanchaser

terminante, adj., categorical, with finality

término, m., end; boundary; term;
el primer — izquierdo, downstage left

testarudez, f., stubbornness

tierno, adj., tender

tímido, adj., shy; half-hearted

tinte, m., tint, color; appearance;
un — vulgar, a vulgar appearance

tinto, adj., dyed, stained; red (wine);
¡que lo compres —!, buy only red wine!

tirar, v. t., to tug at, to pull

titubear, v. i., to hesitate

tobogán, m., slide, chute

tontearar, v. i., to fool around

torcer, v. t. & v. i., to turn the corner

torpe, adj., clumsy; awkward

torreta, f., turret, small tower

tramo, m., flight of stairs

trampa, f., trick, ruse;
hacer —s en el contador, to short-circuit (bypass) the electric meter

transición, f., change in tone/expression

traspasar, v. t., to pierce, to cut to the quick

trastear, v. t., to hoodwink

tratar, v. t., to deal with, to speak to;
pues os tratáis, you speak to one another

triquiñuela, f., all the tricks of the trade

trivial, adj., petty, trivial

tumbarse, v. refl., to lie in bed

turbado, a, adj. (pp. of turbar, to unsettle; to worry; to baffle), embarrassed; disturbed, upset, unsettled

tuyo, pron., yours;
¡y tú a lo —!, mind your own business!

U [^Top]

urraca, f., magpie

V [^Top]

vacilante, adj., hesitating

vago, m., loafer;
, adj., vague

vecindad, f., poor tenement house

velador, m., pedestal table,
veladorcito, m., small pedestal table

veleidad, f., dalliance, inconstancy

veleta, f., fickle/changeable person; weather vane

vencido, adj. (pp. of vencer, to defeat; to surpass; to overcome), defeated

vergüenza, f., shame;
¡qué falta de —!, how shameless!

vibrando, part., being moved, being overcome with emotion

vibrante, adj., energetic, enthusiastic

vidente, m., sighted person; clairvoyant

Z [^Top]

zafarse, v. refl., to break away, to take off

zalamero, m., charmer; charming adj.

zángano, m., leech

zarandaja, f., triviality, trifle

zarandear, v. t., to shake (vigorously)

zumba, f., teasing

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