The following vocabulary was developed by TC Rindfleisch for the Alfaguara Hispanica edition of the Daniel Sada short novel Una de dos (Aguilar, Altea, Taurus, Alfaguara S.A., 1994). The vocabulary content was selected for advanced students and emphasizes words or meanings unique to Sada’s writing about a community in northern Mexico.
Tom Rindfleisch
compare, see
p. p.
past participle
A [^Top]
abarrotero, a m/f. grocer, storekeeper
abocarse v. to focus on, throw oneself into
abono m. down payment, installment
abordar v. to approach; to broach, take up
abridor, —a adj. that opens, opening;
— m. opener (can, bottle); stud earring
abucheo m. booing, jeering, catcall
acatrinarse, encatrinarse v. to make OS elegant
acecho m. stalking, spying
al — coll. being in wait, watching
acerbo, a adj. harsh, bitter
acertijo m. riddle, puzzle, conundrum
acicate adj. sharp; stimulating
acta f. affidavit, certificate
acullá adv. over there, yonder
adrede adv. on purpose, intentionally
adusto, a adj. gloomy, sullen, austere, forbidding
afanoso, a adj. eager, industrious, pains-taking
aguijado, a adj. spurred on, hurried along
águila f. eagle
¿— o sol? coll. heads or tails?
ahínco m. earnestness, ardor, determination
ahíto, a adj. fed up, sick of; full, sated
alabastrino, a adj. of alabaster; treasured, dreamed of
alado, a adj. winged; quick; flying
alarde m. showing off, boasts
albricias f. pl. present, gift
albur m. risk, chance, fate
alcance m. pursuit, spying, encounter
alegato m. allegation, dispute
aleve adj. treacherous, with skullduggery
alevoso, a adj. premeditated
almagrado, a adj. tinted w red ochre
almizcate m. shared patio between two houses
alumbrado, a adj. lit up, chosen
alzarse v. to raise/lift
— el cuello coll. to strut one’s stuff, put on airs
amacizar v. to make stronger; to get a hold on oneself
amaño m. trickery, deception; cleverness
amodorrado, a adj. half asleep, bleary eyed
ancho, a adj. wide; lax
a sus —s coll. at ease, w/o pressure, relaxed
antojito m. bite to eat, snack
añagaza f. lure, decoy; ruse
añejo, a adj. mature, aged; old, stale
apache m. crook, bandit
apartado, a adj. set aside, reserved
apechugado, a adj. tight, passionate
aperramiento m. tenacity, insistence, digging heels in
aplomo m. self-possession, coolness, assurance
apostilla f. footnote, annotation
apremio m. pressure, compulsion
apretado, a adj. close, crowded; tight
apriete m. pursing, pressing together
arañar v. to scratch, to scrape the surface; to be close to (age), be pushing
arañón, a adj. like a spider
archimaduro, a adj. over-ripe
arete m. earring
—s de bolita coll. tear-drop earrings
arisco, a adj. gruff, unfriendly
arraigo m. roots; ancestry, wealth
arrayán m. myrtle, bayberry
arriscamiento m. boldness, resolution, forwardness
arrodillado, a adj. kneeling, begging
arrojo m. boldness, daring, fearlessness
asaz adv. very, rather; extremely
asentado, a adj. settled, agreed, established
asomo m. appearance
atar v. to tie
—se bien un dedo coll. to remember, be reminded
atáxico, a adj. uncoordinated; related nervous disorder ataxia
atento, a adj. attentive, courteous
atiborrarse v. to overload, stuff
atirantado, a adj. having shoulder straps
atisbar v. to see, check (if/whether); to take a look at, sneak a peek at
atragante adj. choking, having something down the wrong pipe
atropello m. outrage, abuse
aventarse v. to throw oneself into, escape to
avorazarse v. to become ambitious, go beyond the call
azaroso, a adj., timid, fearful; unlucky risky, hazardous
B [^Top]
bagaje m. experience, grounding; baggage
bagatela f. trifle, knick-knack
bajeza f. nasty/mean thing to do
en — coll. in vain, for nothing
banqueta f. sidewalk, pavement
bañar v. to bathe, take a bath
mandar a ALGN a — coll. to tell SO to get lost/to go to hell
barajeo m. shuffling; niggling
baratero, a adj. at a cut rate, at an advantageous price
barrabás m. Barabbas (Biblical person)
batahola f. racket, hullabaloo
batalloso, a adj. upsetting, disputed
batidero m. continual beating of one thing against another, bickering; reinforcement of fabric/sail at seam; uneven ground
bebeleche adj. staggering, moving in zigzag (as in hopscotch)
boca f. mouth
a — de jarro adv. point blank, directly
bola f. ball; fib
¡bolas! interj. Holy cow!, Jeez!
bregar v. to struggle, persevere
bulla f. row, quarrel
burdo, a adj. coarse, rough, clumsy
burla f. taunt, mockery
burro m. donkey
aire de — coll. brutishness, crudeness
C [^Top]
cabal adj. complete, perfect, exact, full
cabecear v. to nod off, shake one’s head
cabida f. space, room, place (for)
cachano m. devil, evil spirit
cachete m. cheek (face); buttock
cajeta f. fudge, caramel, toffee
calco, a m/f. copy, imitation
caliente adj. hot
en — coll. then and there, while things are hot
campante adj. relaxed, as if nothing happened
camposanto m. cemetery
cándido, a adj. naïve, stupid; snow-white; candid, simple, straightforward
canijo, a adj. sly, manipulative; weak, puny
cantaleta f. nagging, same old story
canto m. song, singing; thickness
al — coll. in the course of things, in response
capitalón m. large sum of money, nest egg
capotear, capear v. to dodge, duck; bamboozle
caprichudo, a adj. whimsical; stubborn
careo m. confrontation, show-down
carnal, a m/f. pal, buddy
carraco, a m/f. old, sickly wreck
carrizo m. spindly leg; reed
casco m. bottle, container
caso m. case, situation, chance
tener — coll. to matter, make sense, be appropriate
casorio m. wedding; unwise marriage;
—, a adj. wedded
casquivano, a adj. scatterbrained, giddy, flighty
caudal m. wealth, fortune; flow rate
cazuz m. ivy (plant)
cerciorarse v. to check, assure oneself
chachalaco, a adj. loud, insistent, irritating
chalado, a adj. crazy, nuts
chamaco, a m/f. youngster, kid
chamorro m. leg (of animal), calf (of leg, esp. of animal)
chancludo, a adj. wearing sandals/flip-flops
chango m. mischievous/annoying thing
chanza f. chance, opportunity; prank, teasing, joke
chaparro m. short squat person, midget
chapuza f. trick, deception; botched job
charro, a m/f. hick, peasant; traditional Mex cowboy; flashy/gaudy adornment
charro, a adj. rustic, rural, traditional; showy/gaudy
chascarrillo m. witty anecdote, joke
chasco m. trick, hoax; disappointment
chicotazo m. blow; lash of whip
chingadera f. mess, screw-up; piece of crap
chiquiador, a m. home remedy, small poultice with herbs, snake skin, or various ingredients
chiquirringa f., chiquirrín m. cricket
chirrión, a adj. making whip-like sound; screeching; annoyingly loud/sharp sound
chismoseo m. gossiping
choteo m. kidding, joking
chulado, achulado, a adj. cute, sweet; cocky
chunga f. fun, joke
churro m. fluke, accident; mess
ni de — coll. not even by accident
cierne m. budding, blossoming
en —s coll. just starting, in infancy
cierre m. ending, closing; closure, clasp, fastener
cierto, a adj. true, certain
por — que mejor coll. by far the best/better
cintura f. waist
con la mano en la — coll. confidently, self-assured, w/o fear
clave f. key, code
clavo m. nail
atinar al — coll. to hit the nail on the head
Club 45 m. 8-year-old scotch whiskey
coacción f. compulsion, persistent impulse
cochambroso, a adj. filthy
cochinada f. dirty/inappropriate action
colanchón, a adj. in the same boat/life-boat
colmar v. to fill up, finish off
comadreo m., comadrería f. nattering, chattering
combinarse v. to take things in turns; to get together
comedido, a adj. reticent, restrained
comedimiento m. restraint, moderation; helpfulness
competencia f. rivalry, competition
compungido, a adj. sorrowful, sad, contrite
condescendiente adj. obliging, acquiescent
consecución f. obtaining, attainment, reaching (goals)
consigna f. remanding, forcing back (Mex.); instructions; watchword; temporary storage in depot (for traveler)
contorno m. outline, contour
contrasentido m. inconsistency, contradiction, paradox
contratiempo m. mishap, accident, misfortune
contrincante m. rival, opponent
convenenciero, a adj. self-serving, ego-centric
copete m. lock/tuft of hair near forehead
copeteado, a adj. filled to the brim, forming a crown
coraje m. anger, irritation; courage
corajudo, a adj. quick-tempered; gutsy
corazonada f. hunch, feeling; impulse
coronelón, a adj. commanding, like colonel, authoritative
correlón, a adj. running, moving quickly
correntida f. strong impetuous current
correoso, a adj. difficult, tricky; flexible
correspondencia f. connection, link, relationship
correvedile, correveidile f. tattle-tale, gossip
cosquilla f. itch, urge
costal m. sack, bag
covacha f. hell-hole, attic storage room
criterio m. judgment, opinion, view
criticón m. fault-finder, nitpicker
cromo m. color lithograph, picture card
cuadrar v. to square, fit
— con coll. to square/tally with; to fit/go with
tan <adj> — coll. <adj> adv rel. as, just as, even as (e.g., Él es tan gracioso cuan fuerte.)
cuán adv (intensifier) how (¡Cuán rápido corrió!)
cuate, a m/f. twin (fraternal); buddy; guy
cucaña f. sense/illusion of prosperity, advantage
a — adv. bit by bit
cuento m. story, tale; joke, trick;
crear a — coll. to bring up/create out of the blue
cuerda f. bowstring; cord, rope
dar — a ALGN coll. to encourage SO
cuita f. domestic strife, trouble; worry
cúmulo m. heap, accumulation
cundir v. to spread, multiply
D [^Top]
dale interj. repeated, again
estar/seguir — que — coll. to go/keep on and on
dejadez f. abandon, sloth, neglect
dengue m. swinging/wiggling of hips; prudery, coyness; dengue fever
denuedo m. energy, focus, effort
departir v. to converse, mingle
derrochar v. to be bursting with, full of
derrotero m. direction, path, course
desabrido, a adj. tasteless, bland; disagreeable, harsh
desacierto m. mistake, unwise action
desbalague m. scattering dispersing, separation,
desbancar v. to oust, supplant
desbarajuste m. disorder, mess, confusion
desbaratar v. to put in disarray; spoil, ruin
desbarrado, a adj. foolish, trashy
desbocada f. faux pas, improper advance, slip of the tongue
desbocarse v. to absorb/occupy oneself; run loose
descarapele m. peeling, cracking
descararse v. to be cheeky, behave badly
descuido m. oversight, carelessness
en un — adv. in a moment of distraction, if you take your eye off the ball
desdibujo m. blurred memory, image, outline
desembrollo m. unraveling, sorting out, clarifying
desemejarse v. to alter the appearance of, to make look different
desgarramiento m. tearing apart, upheaval
desgarriate, desgarreate m. jumble, mess; gibberish
designio m. design, plan
desmentidero m. refutation, denial
desmenuzar v. to analyze thoroughly, pick apart
desmoronamiento m. collapse, break-down
desoír v. to ignore, turn a deaf ear to
desolado, a adj. desolate, sad
desperezarse v. to stretch, stretch one’s limbs
desplante m. insolence, affront, rebuff
desplazarse v. to move about
despropósito m. senseless nonsense
desprovisto, a adj. lacking, without
— de coll. devoid of
desquite m. revenge, payback
destete m. weaning
desveladón, a m/f. insomniac
desvelarse v. to not be able to sleep; to take great care
desviación f. deviation, detour
detallista adj. perfectionist; thoughtful, considerate
detentar v. to hold unlawfully
devaneo m. fling, affair; delirium
devenir m. progression, development, process
devolverse v. to return, come back
diablura f. mischief, devilry
difusión f. diffusion, spreading
dilatarse v. to take a long time, be late
dilogía f. using a word with two meanings in the same sentence; two-sided choice, dilemma
disimularse v. to conceal, hide; pretend nothing happened
dizque adv. apparently, so-called, as they say
dormir v. to sleep
— a pierna suelta coll. to sleep tight/soundly
dos m. two
en un — por tres coll. quickly, in a flash
duermevela f. light sleep, nap
dundo, dundeco, a adj. silly, stupid
E [^Top]
echadizo, a adj. secret, clandestine
elevación f. ascent, rising (to heaven)
embarrar v. to spatter with mud; to besmirch; to make a mess of things
embebido, a adj. saturated, soaked with
emborronarse v. to get smudged/blotched
embozo m. covering, mask, concealment
embrollarse v. to get tangled/wrapped-up in
empañado, a adj. blurred, out of focus, misty
emparrillado m. grill-work, bars
empero conj. but, yet, however
encarrerado, a adj. put back on track, oriented
encerrona f. trap, predicament
enchilado, a adj. red in face, pissed off; seasoned with chili
encomio m. praise, tribute
enconcharse v. to go into one’s shell, to retire into seclusion
encono m. spite, bitterness, animosity
por — adv. therefore, hence, in that way
enfilar to head toward, be directed toward
engarce m. link, connection; mount (gem)
engorro m. hassle, bother, nuisance
enjabonadura f. soaping/lathering up, washing
enjuague m. rinsing
enmienda f. correction, adjustment
enredijo m. tangle, mess
enredoso, a adj. complicated; trouble-making, mischievous
ensalce m. exaltation, flight
enseñar to show, exhibit; instruct, teach
— el cobre coll. to show one’s true self/colors
enseres m pl. equipment, goods
entelerido, a adj. flickering, dancing; trembling
entendible adj. understandable, intelligible
entereza f. integrity, fortitude, composure
enternecido, a adj. tender, compassionate
entrecejamiento m. frowning, scowling
entrega f. dedication, devotion
entresacable adj. able to be extracted, selected, deduced; or surmised
entresacar v. to extract, take from, obtain
entretenido, a adj. distracted, keeping oneself entertained
entreverado, a adj. admixed, mixed with different types, patchy
envolvencia f. clothing; wrapping; involvement
equis adj. certain amount; average, fair to middling
escollo m. reef, shoal; hang-up, pitfall, snag; risk, danger
escorzo m. perspective, foreshortening
escribidero, a m/f. bad writer
escueto, a adj. simple, succinct
escupitajo m. gob of spit, hawker
esgrimirse v. to argue that, put forward
esparcimiento m. amusement, recreation; dissemination
espectral adj. ghostly, like a specter
esperanzado, a adj. hopeful, optimistic
esquema m. outline, schema; way of thinking
estado m. state; status
— civil coll. marital status
estampa f. image, figure
estarcido, a adj. stenciled, masked
— m. stencil, stenciled sketch
estilarse v. to be in fashion, be customary to do
estire m. stretch, pressing issue
estridule m. creaking, squeaking
estropicio m. rumpus; breakage, mess
ex profeso adv. on purpose, by design
expectación f. anticipation, excitement
F [^Top]
fabulación f. invention, creation
factible adj. practicable, feasible
falacia f. fallacy; deceitfulness
fantoche m. loud-mouth, braggart; puppet
faramalla f. lie, deception, bragging
festín m. party, banquet
fidedigno, a adj. reliable, trustworthy
figuración f. imagination
filípica f. harangue, tirade
filo m. direction, line; blade edge; sword
al — de <time> coll. at the stroke of <time>
firulín, firulete adj. superfluous, in bad taste
fisgón m. snooper, nosey one, curious one
flagrante adj. flagrant, glaring
flamante adj. splendid; brand new
flojera f. faintness, weakness
dar — coll. to not feel like/up to
foco m. light, spotlight; focus; focal point
follón m. silent fart
foráneo, a adj. foreign
franco, a adj. open, natural, exposed
fregadero, a m/f. pain in the neck, nuisance
friega f. rubbing; nuisance
en — adj. irritating, annoying
frijolerío m. preparation of beans
fuereño, a m/f. outsider, foreigner
fulminado, a adj. struck as if by lightning, stricken
G [^Top]
gacho, a adj. down on all fours
galancete m. actor playing a younger person; dapper little man
gallardo, a adj. graceful, elegant; brave, bold
gandul m/f. idler, good-for-nothing
gane m. win, advantage, benefit
ganga f. bargain
garduño, a adj. given to petty theft
al — coll. adrift, w/o supervision
garlito m. trap, snare
garrapateo m. scribbles, scribbling
gatazo m.
dar el — coll. to look younger than one is, to not show one’s age
gatería f. cattiness, maliciousness; false modesty
glosa f. brief explanation (often erroneous), annotation, comment
gnosis f. certain spiritual knowledge
godeño m. prized/valued belongings, gifts
grado m. rank, grade, degree
— enfermizo coll. point of clinical concern
de — coll. deep red, cochineal
greña f. mop of hair; lock of hair
grisura f. grayness; unresponsiveness, dullness
guaje adj. silly, stupid
hacerse — coll. to fool SO, take SO in
guasa f. jest, joke, mockery
gubio, a dark, gloomy, depressing
güirigüiri, güiri-güiri m. nattering, idle chatter
guitón, a m/f. slacker, lazy person
gusto m. pleasure; good taste
en —s se rompen géneros y en petates buenos culos coll. to each his own, there’s no accounting for taste (in matters of good taste, classes/types are broken, in bed good asses/virginity.)
H [^Top]
hablantín, a, hablanchín, a adj. talkative, garrulous
hablar v. to speak
no — ni pío coll. not to breathe a word
hado m. fate, destiny
hálito m. breath
hartazgo m. surfeit, bellyful
harto adv. quite, a good deal, rather, pretty much
hilazón f. link, connection; joining, stitching
hilo m. thread; linen
tener mucho — to be highly likely/possible
hiriente adj. hurtful, cutting
hondura f. profundity
horadar v. to perforate, pierce, drill
huerco, a m/f. youth; girl, chick
huizache, huisache m. shyster, unqualified lawyer
a —s adv. furtively, on the sly
I [^Top]
idilio m. idyll, romantic relationship
importuna f. inconvenience, inopportuneness
por — adv. annoyingly, inopportunely
impudicia f. immodesty, lewdness
inabarcable adj. vast, extensive, uncontainable
inconsecuencia f. inconsistency
íncubo m. incubus (devil); nightmare
índole m. nature, type, kind
infame adj. disgusting, awful
infrangible adj. unbreakable
íngrimo, a adj. alone, abandoned, lonely
inopinado, —a adj. unexpected
insulso, a adj. insipid, dull
interiorista adj. interior, internal; inward
interiorista m/f. interior decorator/designer
interpelada f. questioning, imploring
inverosímil adj. improbable, incredible, far-fetched; misleading
ipso facto adv. by that act, as a result
irse v. to leave, take off
— a pique coll. to sink, go to ruin
J [^Top]
jalar v. to pull, tug; to count, have pull
— el pelo coll. to tease, pull one’s leg
jalonar v. to pull, tug, yank
jaloncito m. tug, pull
jaloneo m. haggling; pull, tug
jaque m. check (chess);
mantener en — coll. to keep in check; to put SO on the defensive
jilito, hilito, a adj. thin, threadlike
jugado, a adj. over, done, played out; won
justificación f. reason, excuse
L [^Top]
lapso m. interval, period (time)
lasca f. small stone chip/piece
lelo, a adj. stupid, dull
lerdo, a slow; slow-witted
licenciar v. to permit, allow; to license
línea f. figure; line
lineamiento m. guideline; distinguishing or characteristic feature
luchador, a adj. determined, persistent, tenacious
luengo, a adj. long, prolonged
lujo m. excess, abundance; luxury
M [^Top]
macaco, a adj. homely, ugly
machaca f. crushed/mashed stuff
machacón, a adj. insistent, repetitive
macuco, a adj. crafty, cunning; old, useless
magín m. mind, imagination
mago, a m/f. magician, wizard/sorceress
magro, a adj. poor; meager, lean
maguer conj. (aunque), although, even though, but
magullado, a adj. worn, wrinkled, rumpled; bruised, injured
majadería f. silliness, absurdity
mal bad
— que bien adv. somehow or other
dar — ancha coll. to give free rein, broad permission
mango m. Mango tree; handle; good-looking fellow
manicomio m. insane asylum
manido, a adj. trite, hackneyed
manoseo m. groping, feeling up
maña f. skill, care
mañana f. morning; tomorrow
— m. near future, future
maquiscóatl m. the “frightful snake” — a two-headed snake (one at each end) from which the Indians read various omens. Also the name of a “tale-bearer”, said to have two tongues and two heads.
maquiscoatlaco, a adj. related to maquiscóatl
marmaja f. dough, money
marrano, a m/f. pig, swine
matalotaje m. jumble, mess
matiz m. shading, hue
mayatón, a adj. Mayan; fruity, gay, homosexual
mazorca f. corn cob, ear of corn
pelar la — de los dientes coll. to smile (showing one’s teeth)
media f. half
— naranja coll. better half (spouse)
medrar to grow; to thrive, prosper
medroso, a adj. fearful, timid
mellizo, a m/f. twin (esp. fraternal)
memo, a adj. silly, stupid, daft
mendaz adj. untruthful, mendacious
menos adv. less
cuando — coll. at least
no es para — coll. rightly so, quite right too
mentado, a m/f. aforementioned one
menudencia f. trifle, detail, unimportant event
meollo m. pith, heart, core; marrow
mesarse v. to pull at, tweak (hair)
miramiento m. circumspection; consideration, regard
mirujeada f. glance, second look
mofa f. mockery, ridicule
mohíno, —a adj. depressed, sulky, annoyed
mono, a monkey-like; cute, adorable (child)
montonal m. large heap, huge amount
moño m. ribbon, bow; bun (hair)
ponerse los —s coll. to put on airs, show off
morbo m. morbid/perverse curiosity; sexiness
mordaz adj. scathing, caustic, biting
mosquiento, a adj. fly-bitten
de — propio adv. of one’s own accord
muchachil adj. boyish/girlish
mugrero m. dirtiness, messiness
murrio, a adj. depressed, sad
mustio, a adj. hypocritical; withered; depressed
mutismo m. silence
N [^Top]
nefasto, a adj. unlucky, ill-fated
negociazo m. business deal
neto, a adj. distinct, clear
niña f. eye, pupil; girl
nocivo, a adj. injurious, noxious
nogal m. walnut tree
nogaleda f. walnut grove
nombrar v. to discover, designate; name, appoint
nopalerío m. patch of nopal cactus.
notición f. extraordinary news, heads-up, bombshell
noviar v. to be dating, courting
Ñ [^Top]
ñoño, a adj. insipid, dull
O [^Top]
obcecado, a adj. obstinate, mentally blinded
obnubilación f. blurring, confusion
obviado, a adj. evaded, omitted
occiso, a m/f. victim, deceased
ociosidad f. idleness, shiftlessness
olvidadizo, a adj. forgetful; ungrateful
omóplato m. shoulder blade, scapula
onírico, a adj. dreamlike
ordenamiento m. ordering, arranging
orla f. border, fringe, trimming
orondo, a adj. calm, serene, smug; rotund
otredad f. otherness, being different
P [^Top]
pajarear v. to listen/watch intently
pajarero, a adj. merry; meddlesome
pajarraco m. rogue, rascal; big ugly bird
palique m. chat, chitchat
palmario, a adj. clear, evident, manifest
palpar v. to caress, fondle
pandeado, a adj. bent over, slouching
pandorga f. nuisance; prank; fat woman
pañoleta f. kerchief, scarf
paquete m. packaging, wrapping
darse — coll. to put on airs
dejar el — coll. to leave with the work load; to leave in a family way (pregnant)
pardear v. to look/turn brownish/yellowish
parecido, a adj. similar, alike
parejadura f. pairing, similarity
paseador m. traveler, tourist
patillas f. pl. side whiskers, side burns
pátina f. patina, surface appearance with age; slippage, skating
patrimonio m. inheritance, assets
paulatinamente adv. gradually, bit by bit
pauta f. standard, pattern, guideline
pegoste m. parasite, scrounger
pelota f. ball
hacerse —s coll. to cozy up to, suck up to; to hurt emotionally
pelotón, a adj. full, rounded
pendiente m. pending matter
al — coll. waiting, at service
percatarse v. to notice, realize
perentorio, a adj. with fixed limit, pressing, urgent
pergeño m. aspect, appearance
perrada f. pack of dogs (people); dirty trick
pese a pese adv. in spite of everything, at all costs
peso m. weight; influence
razón de — coll. an important/decisive reason
pesquisa f. inquiry, investigation
petate m. bed mat, bedroll; see gusto
peyorativo, a adj. pejorative, disparaging
tarde — m. late comer; one too late for business opportunity
pichicato, a adj. stingy, mean
pichón, a adj. like pigeon; dear
picotazo m. peck, sting
pie m. foot
dar — a ALGO coll. to cause, give rise to
no tener/encontrar — ALGO coll. to be easy to find something following given instructions
piernerío m. set of legs
pillo, a m/f. sneak thief, pickpocket
pilón m. trough, basin (of a fountain); bonus, tip
de — coll. as a bonus/extra/tip
pilongo, a m/f. tall, thin; dried (chestnut); person baptized in same font as another
pimpante adj. flattering, spruced up
pinabete m. fir tree
pingajo m. remnant/scrap of cloth
pingo m. scamp, devilish kid
pinturreo m. careless smudging of color
pisteo m. drinking, tipsiness
pisto m. alcoholic drink
pituso, a m/f. small, cute kid
pizca f. bit, whit, slightest trace
plano, a adj. flat, level
de — adv. plain and simple
plaste m. plaster, gesso
ponzoña f. poison, venom
porfiar v. to strive, endeavor, persist
postrer adj. last, final
premiosidad f. urgency, pressure
premisa f. premise
prestancia f. poise, elegance, grace
pretendido, a m/f. one being courted, sought after
pretérito, a adj. past, previous
principio m. start; principle
en un — adv. initially, at first
probadita f. tentative test, feeling out
proclive adj. given to, inclined to, prone to
procura f. obtaining, getting; caution and shrewdness in business
prodigarse v. to overexpose oneself, squander oneself
prolijo, a adj. perfect, fit for; detailed, meticulous
propiciatorio, a adj. appeasing, conciliatory
provechoso, a adj. beneficial, advantageous
prurito m. itching, urge; pride
pudrición f. decomposition, decay
puerco, a adj. filthy, dirty; coarse
pulla f. nasty comment, cutting remark
pulso m. steady hand; pulse; wrist
a — coll. by hand, with skilled hand
punto m. point; mark; stitch
a — coll. at the ready
Q [^Top]
quedado, a adj. left as bachelor/spinster, left behind, left on shelf
quema f. burning, fire
querendón, a adj. very loving, affectionate
quihubo that were, who have been
quinto m. nickel (coin)
R [^Top]
rajador, a adj. cutting, splitting
rampa f. ramp, slope; launching pad
ranchear v. to stop here and there, meander; to have a meal; to pillage
rastra f. pulling, tearing; act of dragging along
rata f. rat
— cuerera coll. experienced/street-wise rat, crafty one
rauco, a adj. hoarse, suffering laryngitis
raudo, a adj. swift, rapid
rebajar to reduce, thin, cut
rebane m. sexual/amorous adventure
al — coll. on the make, seeking sexual/amorous adventure
rebose m. state of bursting, overflowing
recalar v. to appear in, end up in
recargado, a adj. leaning against; overwhelmed
recomendación f. advice, recommendation
recomponer v. to mend, repair; to reset
reconcentrarse v. to focus, become totally absorbed
reconcomio m. suspicion; urge, itch; resentment
recuento m. retelling, recounting
redil m. sheepfold, corral, enclosure; fold
redila f. stall, stanchion, small enclosure
redondear finish up; round off; put on sound footing
redondez f. fullness, entirety; roundness
reducto m. bastion, stronghold
reelaborado, a adj. re-made, re-implemented, re-developed,
refile, refilón
de — adv. in passing, incidental; to one side; at a glance, out of the corner of one’s eye
refine m. refinement; purity (alcoholic content)
refreno m. restraint, holding back
a — adv. unwillingly, reluctantly, through clenched teeth
regar v. to water; to wash; to sprinkle
—la (cajeta) v. (Mex.) to screw it up, make a mess of it
regentear v. to manage, oversee
regla f. rule
—s de tres coll. multiplication by rule of ratios
regocijo m. rejoicing, joy, pleasure
relumbroso, a adj. shining, dazzling
rematar v. to auction; to conclude; to finish off
remate m. coup de grace; end, finish, conclusion
remiso, a adj. reluctant; slow
rendimiento m. output, yield; efficiency
reparo m. objection, criticism, doubt
repaso m. review, revision; mending
replantear v. to raise/pose again, reconsider
repuje m. relief, outline, being embossed
repunte m. turning of the tide; rise; rounding up
repunteado, a adj. starting to show, increasing, rebounding
reserva f. caution, reserve; back seat, reserve bench
retahíla f. string, sequence, stream
retintinear v. to jingle, echo, resound
retoño m. kid, child; shoot, sprout
reuma m. rheumatism
revuelo m. stir, commotion
revuelque m. romp in hay
rezagarse v. to fall behind, lag
risueño, a adj. smiling, pleasing
robadero m. theft; kidnapping; elopement
rollizo, a adj. chubby, plump
rompedor, a adj. earth-shaking, upsetting
rozagante adj. showy, proud
rucio, a adj. like an ass/donkey; gray-haired
rugosidad f. roughness, having creases/wrinkles
rulo, a adj. circular, rounded, looped
rumia f. rumination, pondering
runrún m. rumor, buzz, murmur
S [^Top]
sabedor, a adj. knowledgeable, aware
sahumerio m. incense, aromatic substance
sajadura f. cut, incision
salar v. to bring bad luck to, curse
saleroso, a adj. charming, witty
saltón, a adj. half-baked; bulging
sangrón, a adj. stuck-up, disagreeable
santo m. saint; name
— y seña coll. name and password; identifying information
secatura f. tasteless/bothersome issue
secuela f. sequel, proceedings
semblante m. face, countenance; demeanor
sembradío m. sown field
semiaceitunado, —a adj half-stained with olive oil
seno m. breast, bosom; heart, core, bosom; womb
sentencioso, a adj. judgmental, dogmatic; pithy
señero, a adj. unequalled; solitary
sibilino, a adj. mysterious, prophetic
signado, a adj. marked; crossed
sinsentido m. absurdity, senselessness
soberbio, a adj. haughty, arrogant; proud
sobra f. excess, surplus
sobrando adv. excessively, more than appropriate
sobrentenderse, sobreentenderse v. to understand perfectly, be implicit in
sobrentendido m. unspoken/implicit state
socarrón, a adj. sarcastic, snide
sofaldar v. to uncover/reveal hidden thing; to raise skirts
somero, a adj. superficial, shallow, summary
sonámbulo, a m/f. sleep-walker
sondeo m. exploration, trying, sounding out
sonrojo m. blush, flush
sonsacar v. to worm/wheedle out of
sopesar v. to weigh, judge, consider
sopetón m. punch
de — coll. suddenly, unexpectedly
sorna f. (malicious) coolness; scorn, sarcasm
sortilegio m. spell, charm
soslayar v. to dodge, sidestep
soso, a adj. tasteless, boring
subrepticio, —a adj. surreptitious, stealthy
suertudo, a adj. lucky, fortunate
suficiencia f. smugness, self-importance; competence
súpito, a adj. dumbfounded, out of it; thunderstruck
suposición f. supposition, assumption, surmise
susodicho, a adj. afore-said, above-mentioned
T [^Top]
tacañez f. stinginess, meanness
tacha f. blemish, stain, flaw
tajo m. cut, slash; cutting edge
de un solo — adv. all at once, in one fell swoop
talacha f., talache m. mattock; hard work
hacer la — coll. to have a job, be working (hard)
tallarse v. to rub, open (~eyes)
tamañaje m. size, dimensions, proportions
tanteo m. feeling one’s way, sounding out, using trial and error
tapujo m. deceit, secrecy
tardado, a adj. late (in time, day, life)
tartana f. wreck, clunker, rattle-trap
tarugo, a m/f. blockhead; dummy
teatrero, a adj. theatrical
templanza f. calmness, harmony, temperance
temple m. mettle, level-headedness
tendajo, tendejón m. small shop, stall
tenebroso, a adj. gloomy, dark
terregoso, a adj. covered with dirt clods
testa f. head
tiesura f. stubbornness; conceit
tijeretazo m. snip, scissor cut
tirantez f. strain, tension
tiro m. shot; throw
de a — coll. at once, then and there; completely, entirely
títere m. puppet
—s m./pl. puppet show
tololoche m. traditional musical instrument like double bass
tope m. limit, end
hasta el — coll. to the fullest extent
toque m. shock, discharge; touch; stroke
traba f. obstacle, hindrance
trabajal m. big load of work
trabajillo m. chore, task
trágala m. taunt, pressure (against will)
traída f. carrying, bringing
trailero, a m/f. trucker, truck driver
trance m. critical moment, occasion, crisis, ordeal
traqueteado, a adj. hectic, busy, bustling about
trascendencia f. import, gravity
trasero, a adj. back, rear, on the backside
traslucir v. to show, reveal
trastada f. prank, mischief, dirty trick
trastrueque m. switch over, change around, inversion
trasunto m. copy, likeness
traza f. type, aspect
trecho m. space, distance; while (time); bit, part
a —s coll. here and there, now and again, by fits and starts
tregua f. truce; respite
treta f. trick, ruse, stratagem
tris m. trice, short time
a un — coll. in a moment, about to, in danger of
triza f. shred, bit, piece
trolis adj. tipsy, drunk, high
trompicarse v. to trip
tupetear v. to finish off, drain
tupidero m. thicket, grove
U [^Top]
ufano, a adj. smug, vain
urbanidad f. politeness, courtesy
V [^Top]
vago, a adj. vague, uncertain, indefinite, undefined
a lo — coll. slowly, uncertainly
vendeja f. public/commercial sale
venia f. consent, permission
ventanero, a adj. watching women through window; showing off in window
verde adj. fresh; risqué; green
vespertino, a adj. evening
vetarro, a m/f. old/geriatric person
vez f. time
hacer las veces de coll. to act as, take the part of
vibra f. good vibes, good feelings
vilanchón, villanchón, a adj. crude, coarse, villainous
vilipontente, viripotente f. marriageable woman
vislumbre m. glimpse; vague idea
viso m. aspect, appearance, suggestion, symptom
vivencia f. experience
viveza f. brilliance, brightness, sparkling
vividor, a m/f. free-loader, playboy/girl
volado m. coin toss
voltear v. to turn around, turn
vuelco m. upset, sudden change
Y [^Top]
yerro m. mistake, error
Z [^Top]
zafar v. to free, release; undo, separate; beautify, make pretty
zángano, a m/f. idler, good-for-nothing, ditz
zonzo, a adj. silly, stupid
zopenco, a m/f. nitwit, clod
zopilote m. vulture, buzzard
zopo, a adj. twisted; crippled, maimed
zorra f. whore, tart; vixen
zorrez f. astuteness, caution
zorro m. fox
no de — coll. not crafty/sly
zote m/f. dimwit
zozobra f. start, fear; anguish, anxiety
zumbadero m. fly, snooper
zumbar v. to buzz, whirr
— le a ALGO coll. to take an interest in, work on
zumo m. benefit, use, substance; juice
zurda f. left hand