
This vocabulary is based on several works written by the Chilean author, Luis Sepúlveda, including Patagonia Express, La lámpara de Aladino, and La sombra de lo que fuimos. The content was selected for advanced students and emphasizes words or meanings unique to Sepúlveda’s writing, Chilean words and idioms, and otherwise difficult words.

Tom Rindfleisch

September 13, 2014


A [^Top]

abono fertilizer.

abrigador protective.

abrigar to shelter, protect, support.

abstemia abstinence, being teetotaler.

acantilado cliff.

acarrear to cause, to bring about.

acechante lurking, watching.

acémila mule, draft animal.

acería steelworks.

aciago ill-fated.

acicalarse to get tidied up, dressed up.

acogedor welcoming, friendly, warm.

acojonar to intimidate, overwhelm.

acopio store, stock;
hacer — to take stock, to store up.

acotar to note, to add.

ácrata anarchist.

acuclillado crouched down.

acuclillarse to squat down, to crouch down.

adoquinado paved with cobblestones/flagstones.

aferrar to clutch, to cling.

afiche poster, bill.

agalla gill (fish);
—s guts, courage.

agenciar to wangle, obtain; to bring about.

aguar to flood, to spoil.

aguaruna Peruvian indian group of Amazon valley.

agüevonado, ahuevonado lazy, slow.

ahíto full, stuffed.

ajado shabby.

alacrán scorpion.

alcayata hook.

alentejano from Alentejo (Portugal).

alerce larch tree.

alevosía treachery, malice aforethought.

aligerar to lighten, to soothe.

alijado filing/smoothing rough edges.

alisar to smooth.

alpargata rope-soled sandal.

altivo haughty, conceited.

amago threat; first indication of something;
hacer — de to give signs of, to begin to (with hesitation).

amanecido awake.

amañado faked, rigged.

amarra mooring rope, ties (for supports).

amarre mooring.

americana jacket.

ametrallar to machine-gun, strafe.

amodorrado sleepy, sluggish.

ampuloso pompous, bombastic.

amura area of narrowing of the hull/shape of a boat.

ánfora amphora, jar.

animador facilitator, emcee.

anorak pull-over hooded jacket.

antaño in olden times, long ago.

antigualla antique, relic (junk).

anzuelo fish hook, lure;
echar el — to try to pick up, to try to hook.

añorar to be homesick for, to long for.

apátrida person without a country.

apeadero stop, stopping place.

apio celery.

apostar to bet, to wager.

apozarse to collect (water) in puddles/pools.

aprestar to get ready, to prepare.

apuntalar to prop up, shore up, support.

apurar to drain, to finish off.

ara altar, altar stone;
en —s de for the sake of.

araucaria monkey puzzle tree.

arboladura masts and spars (ship).

arce maple tree.

ardid trick, ruse.

arenque herring.

argelino Algerian.

argot slang, jargon.

arista edge, corner (of solid).

armador shipowner, outfitter.

arrecife reef.

arremolinar to mob, to crowd around.

arrendar to rent, to borrow.

arriendo rent; renting, leasing.

arrullado lulled.

arrullo soothing/lulling sound.

arte art;
el séptimo — the art of film-making.

artilugio device, gadget, contraption.

asado roasted, barbecued;
— de tira
barbecued spareribs.

asarse to roast, to be roasting.

aseador cleaning person, janitor.

asediar to besiege.

ashuar Ecuadoran indian group of Amazon valley.

aspaviento fuss, to-do.

ataman Russian Cossack leader title.

atentar make an attempt against, violate; try to commit (crime).

aterido stiff with cold, numb.

atorarse to choke on, block.

atracar to tie up, to dock (boat); to hold up, rob, mug (bank, person).

austral southerly.

auxiliar to help, to give aid to.

avezado experienced, hardened.

avícola poultry farm.

avutarda great bustard (bird).

azogue mercury.

azorado embarrassed.

azotar to beat down on, to ravage.

B [^Top]

bacanal wild party, bacchanal.

báculo walking stick, staff.

bagre catfish.

balacera shoot-out, gun fight.

ballenera whaling vessel.

ballesta crossbow.

banqueta stool, small bench.

bardo bard, poet.

barquillo wafer, cone (e.g., for ice cream).

barracón large hut, large open room.

barretín cache (weapons, money, etc.).

barroco ornate, showy.

batahola uproar, loud noise.

batería round, serving for all; battery; drum set.

batiente leaf, panel;
puerta de dos —s French door.

baúl chest, steamer trunk.

bautizado watered down, diluted/adulterated (drugs).

bazofía pigswill, yucky food.

bellaquería dirty trick; wickedness.

benemérito distinguished, meritorious.

betún shoe polish.

biberón baby bottle.

bicoca bargain, easy go; slap; snap of fingers.

bife meat, beef.

bilirrubina bile, bilirubin.

blindado armored, bullet-proof.

bloc notepad, pad of paper.

bochorno embarrassment, shame.

bofe (beef) lung.

bola ball;
en —s naked.

boliche small shop, grocery store.

boludo stupid jerk, simpleton.

bombona gas cylinder/bottle.

bonhomía affability, kindness, integrity.

borrachín boozer.

borrar to erase, to rub out.

botillería off-license liquor store.

botín booty, haul.

bototo big shoe, clodhopper.

bragas panties.

brebaje brew; disagreeable drink.

bronca distaste, anger; quarrel, fuss.

buche mouthful.

burdo coarse, crude.

burgués wealthy, upperclass.

C [^Top]

cabrales strong cheese (Asturias).

cabreo anger, foul mood.

cacareo clucking, crowing.

cacharro junker car, heap.

cachaza rum (from raw sugar).

cachiporrazo blow with club, clubbing.

caco thief, burglar.

cadena TV channel, broadcast group/chain.

cafiche pimp.

cagada crap, shit.

cagar to poop.

cagarruta turd, animal pellet.

cagón wimp, chicken shit.

cal calcium oxide, lime;
a — y canto shut tight, bolted and barred.

calabaza hollow gourd/ladle for liquids.

calafate caulking, filler;
arbusto de — box-leafed barberry.

calafatear to caulk, to fill cracks.

calamina zinc ore, forged zinc;
a/de —s of galvanized corrugated iron.

calderilla small change.

caldo stock, broth.

caleta small cove, inlet.

caliqueño cheap cigar; prick (vulgar).

callana crucible (to assay metals).

callo corn, callus; guts.

camarilla clique, faction.

camarógrafo cinematographer, videographer.

camaronero shrimp/prawn fisherman.

campanario bell tower, belfry.

canganceiro bandit (Portuguese).

caniche poodle.

canícula dog days, hottest time.

canicular relating to hottest time, like dog-days.

canilla tube, spout; faucet.

cansino slow, weary.

cántaro pitcher;
a —s in bucketsful, cats and dogs (rain).

cantautor singer-song writer.

canturrear to hum.

caoba mahogany.

capear to ride out, weather.

capilla chapel, sanctuary;
— ardiente funeral chapel.

cardenalicio relating to a cardinal.

carey sea turtle; turtle shell.

carnada bait, lure.

carné, carnet license, card.

carretón small open cart.

casamata fortified enclosure/building.

caspa dandruff.

casquería tripe, offal.

casquillo casing (bullet).

catalejos telescope.

catastro land registry, records office.

caterva bunch, flock.

célibe celibate.

cepillo collection box, poor box.

cerbatana blowpipe.

cercenar to cut off, to amputate.

cerrado thick, bushy (beard); covering fully; closed.

cetáceo cetacean, like whale, dolphin, etc.

champa sod, clump of plants; brush, tinder.

chamuscado scorched, browned from cooking.

chancaca dark brown sugar.

chancho pork.

chapa name tag, ID, moniker; police badge.

chapurreado broken, poorly constructed (language).

chato short (stature); snub nosed; poor.

chichón bump, lump.

chillanejo related to or from Chillán, Chile.

chisme gossip, prattle.

chiva fib, tall story; nanny goat;
meter/pensar en una — to cook up a story.

choclo sweetcorn; young corn cob.

cholga large mussel.

chuchería trinket, knick-knack; tidbit.

chunchul small intestine (animal).

chupada puff (on cigarette/cigar).

chupadero secret military prison.

chuzo whip; spiked stick;
llover a —s to rain cats and dogs, to pelt down.

cicatrizante healing.

cigüeña stork.

cincel chisel.

cirquero circus owner/manager; member of circus troop.

clamar to clamor, to cry out for.

claudicar to yield, to give in.

coartada alibi, excuse.

código code;
— de barras bar code.

coigües coihue, large evergreen tree from southern Chile.

coirón tough prairie grass used for thatch or sod houses.

cojera lameness, limp.

cojón ball, testicle;
tener a ALGN hasta los —es to almost do one in, to be at the end of one’s rope.

colindante adjacent, adjoining.

colocón high, drug trip.

comer to eat;
— a dos carrillos to wolf down.

comisario police inspector; commissioner.

comoquiera whatever way, however.

compinche accomplice; buddy.

comprobatorio confirming, probing.

confeccionar to make, to prepare.

conjura conspiracy, plot.

conjurar to avert, to stave off; to conspire.

conjuro spell, exorcism.

cono cone;
— Sur region of S. America, including Chile, Argentina, Uruguay, and Paraguay.

consejo council, board
— de guerra war council.

consigna slogan.

consultar to ask, consult.

contable accountant, bookkeeper.

a —
against the flow, wrong way.

contrincante opponent, rival.

conversar to converse, talk;
— un vinito to talk over a glass of wine.

cónyuge spouse, wife/husband.

copo snowflake.

corbata necktie;
— de pajarita bow tie.

corear to shout out; to provide a chorus.

correaje strap.

corresponder to pertain, to concern;
a quien —a to whom it may concern.

cortinaje drape, drapery.

cosecha harvest, crop;
de su — of his invention/improvisation.

costanera area near the coast.

covacha hovel; storage space.

cremallera zipper.

criadilla testicle (animal), mountain oyster.

crocante crispy, crunchy.

croquís sketch, drawing.

crótalo rattlesnake.

crujiente crunchy, crusty.

cruz cross;
— gamada swastika.

cuadro cadre, core group.

cuarentena quarantine.

cucharada spoonful;
a —s by the spoonful.

culata gun butt; hindquarters.

culito butt, bottom.

cuota membership fee, dues.

curda drunkenness, hangover.

currículo resumé, curriculum vitae.

curtiembre tannery; leather craftsman.

D [^Top]

deambular to wander about.

deceso death, passing.

declamar to recite, to deliver (speech).

dedo finger, toe;
con dos —s de frente with half a brain, with any sense.

degollado with throat cut, slaughtered.

dejo, deje aftertaste (food), afterglow (success); slight accent (regional).

delictivo criminal.

delincuencia lawless population; delinquency.

demoler demolish, tear down.

denuncia report, complaint.

dependencia department, section; branch.

dependiente store clerk, salesperson.

desabrido tasteless, insipid.

desacato contempt, disrespect.

desafuero outrage, excess.

desagüe drain, drainpipe.

desandar to go back over, to retrace.

desaprensivo unscrupulous.

desatascado opened with plunger, unplugged (drain).

desazón affliction, concern, worry, grief.

desbaratar to ruin, to wreck.

descanso landing (stair).

descerrajar to fire (gun); to break the lock (door, desk, etc.).

descolgarse to distance oneself; to let loose with; to fall behind.

desconchar to peel off (paint), chip off (covering).

desconectar to turn off, to switch off.

descorrer to undo, to open.

desembocadura mouth (river).

desembuchar to come out with, to spit it out.

desencajado distorted, twisted (face); wild (eyes).

desgranar to let loose, to play (music).

desidia negligence, failure to exercise care.

desmentido denial, contradiction.

desmontadora tire bead breaking machine, tire mounting machine.

desmoronar to destroy, to crumble to pieces.

desparramado spread, scattered.

despatarrado with legs spread wide apart.

despelotado irresponsible, careless.

desperdigado scattered, dispersed.

desperfilar to blur or soften the profile of.

despido layoff.

desprevenido unprepared, unsuspecting.

destajo piecework;
a — overtime, a lot.

desteñido discolored, faded.

destetado weaned.

desubicado dislocated; disoriented.

desvarío nonsense, act of madness, whim.

desviarse to detour, to go off course.

devenir to become, turn into; to come about.

dicha happiness, good fortune.

dichoso happy, fortunate.

diligencia job, errand.

dipsómano alcoholic, given to drink.

discar to dial (phone).

dispositivo organization, operation.

divagación digression.

divisas foreign currency.

dosel canopy.

ducho knowledgeable, expert.

E [^Top]

edificar to build, to construct.

edil town councilor/official.

efeméride anniversary of major event.

efluvio emanation, flow.

elenco cast, staff.

eleno member of the ELN (Ejercito de Liberación Nacional de Chile); more generally membership of an organization or team; one of the members.

embadurnar to baste, marinade; to plaster over.

embate outburst.

embetunar to apply shoe polish.

embriagador intoxicating.

embrujo spell, enchantment.

embutido cold cut; sausage.

empalagoso cloying, sickly sweet.

emparentado related by marriage.

empastadura book binding.

empecinado stubborn, pigheaded.

empellón push, shove.

empelotar to strip naked.

empeñado bitter, hard-fought, heated (quarrel, dispute).

empinado high, upright.

emponzoñar to poison; to taint, contaminate.

enano dwarf.

encañonar to aim, point (weapon).

encapotado overcast, cloudy.

encapuchado hooded/masked person.

encerrona trap, ambush.

encierro being shut up/in, musty.

energúmeno extremist; mad person.

engalanar to decorate, festoon.

engrudo paste, glue.

engullir to swallow, to gulp down.

enjambre swarm, throng.

enlodar to put mud on, to sully.

enmudecer to fall/go silent.

ensenada cove, inlet.

ensoñación illusion, daydream.

envoltorio wrapper, covering.

erario public funds, treasury;
con cargo al — público paid for with public funds.

escala port of call, stopover.

escampada brief break in rain.

escaño bench; seat (politics).

escarnio derision, cruel scorn.

escayola plaster, plaster of Paris.

escobilla small brush.

escollo obstacle, stumbling block; shoal.

escopeta shotgun;
— de cañones recortados sawn off shotgun.

escorbuto scurvy.

escoria dross, waste, dregs.

escuela school; grouping.

escupir to spit, to spit out;
— los pulmones to cough/hack one’s lungs out.

eslora length (of boat).

esmerarse to take great pains, to do one’s best.

esmoquin tuxedo, dinner jacket.

espartaquista proletariat; marxist (Catalán).

espasmo spasm.

espolón spur.

esquirla splinter, piece of shrapnel, shard.

esquivar to avoid, to dodge.

estallido crack; explosion.

estancado stagnant.

estancia ranch (cattle), country estate; ranch house.

estandarte standard, banner.

estentóreo thundering, booming.

estepa steppe.

estera mat.

estibador stevedore, dock worker.

estival relating to summer.

estremecerse to tremble, to shudder.

estría striation, groove.

estruendo loud noise; tumult.

estufa stove, heater.

expedidor expediter, dispatcher.

expendedor which sells, vending.

F [^Top]

fabe bean (vegetable).

facón large knife, Bowie knife.

familia family, relatives.

fanfarría fanfare; showing off.

fanfarronear to show off, boast.

fardo bundle, pack.

faro beacon, lighthouse.

Fasnacht, Fastnacht pre-Lenten carnival, generally on Shrove Tuesday (day before Ash Wed) (German).

fatídico fateful, ominous.

fehaciente reliable, irrefutable.

feixoada savory meat stew (Portuguese).

feligrés parishioner.

fianza bail, bond; deposit.

fierro firearm, gun.

filas ranks (military);
llamar a — to call up (to serve).

flaco thin, frail.

flor flower;
a — de piel
skin deep, in full view.

fofo flabby.

fonomímico one who mouths sounds or appears to speak/sing while a recording plays.

forofo fan, enthusiast.

fraguar to forge, to fabricate, to harden.

franela flannel (cloth).

fregona mop.

fuelle bellows; pleats.

fulero of poor quality; ugly.

funambulismo tightrope walking.

fundillos seat of the pants, back of shorts.

fundir to melt; to break; to blow out;
— le a uno un plomo to cause SO to blow a fuse, drive SO nuts, piss SO off.

furcia whore, tart.

G [^Top]

gabardina raincoat.

gabinete office; cabinet (political).

galápago turtle.

galés Welsh person.

gallinero chicken coop.

galón stripe, chevron (rank).

galpón open room, utility area.

gangoso nasal tone, with a twang.

garimpa discovery, good fortune prospecting.

garimpeiro prospector (Portuguese).

garlopa jack plane (carpentry).

garra hook, barb; hand, paw, claw.

gata jack (for cars).

gatillo trigger; detonator;
— fácil trigger happy, one who shoots first.

gatopardiana making sham (political) changes, changing the name/color of something without making any real substantive change below the surface.

gatopardismo cynical political doctrine, “Si queremos que todo siga como está, necesitamos que todo cambie”, changing the name of what you were doing but underneath keep things the same.

gavia main topsail (ship).

gerundio gerund; present participle.

gestor manager, advisor.

girado drawn (check, letter of exchange).

gollete neck (bottle); throat.

gomero rubber tree plant.

gradas steps, terraces, stands.

gramófono horn of gramophone, record player.

gresca racket; row.

grieta crack, crevice.

grumo lump, curd, clot; bunch, cluster (grapes).

guadaña scythe.

guajira popular song of rural life.

guanábana soursop, tall tree with sweet pulpy fruit.

guanaco S. American plains animal, related to alpaca and llama.

guanera relating to guano; place with guano.

gubia gouge (woodworking).

guijarro pebble, stone.

H [^Top]

hálito zephyr, whiff.

hallulla flat bread, pizza bread.

harapo rag, tatter.

heder to stink, to give off foul smell.

heladería ice cream shop.

helecho fern.

hermenéutica method of interpretation.

higuera fig tree.

hilacha loose thread; rest, what’s left.

hocico snout, muzzle.

hoguera bonfire, blaze

horadar to drill into, to bore through, penetrate.

hormigón concrete.

hoz sickle.

huella trace, sign, track;
— dactilar fingerprint.

huesillo dried peach.

huevón dickhead, dumbass; slacker, loafer.

humita tamale; ground corn.

I [^Top]

identitario self-defining, by its own nature.

impago unpaid, owing.

impávido fearless, undaunted.

imprecar to curse, wish harm.

imprescindible indispensable, essential.

impúdico indecent, shameless.

inamovible immovable; immutable, unchanging.

inapetente having no appetite, not hungry.

incrustar to embed, to become embedded.

indefensión defenselessness.

indumentaria clothing, way of dressing.

infractor offender, law breaker.

injerencia interfering, meddling.

inquina animosity, antipathy.

institutriz governess.

insulso insipid; boring.

insumos raw materials, supplies.

intemporal timeless.

intendencia quartermaster; provisioning with supplies.

interventor inspector, auditor.

intrascendente insignificant, unimportant.

invernadero greenhouse, hothouse.

invicto unconquered, unbeaten.

invierno winter;
General — bitter cold Russian winter.

irrefrenable uncontrolable, unstoppable.

J [^Top]

jadeo panting.

jalar to pull, to heave.

jarabe syrup.

jarra mug, tankard.

jerga jargon, slang.

jeringuilla hypodermic syringe.

jeta face, mug; snout.

joder to ruin; to bug/bother; to fuck up.

juerga fling, bash.

justiciero according to law/justice, justly.

K [^Top]

kawésqar a people living in Chile on the Strait of Magellan.

kelper native of Falkland Islands.

kogapakori Peruvian indian group of Amazon valley neighbors of Machiguenga.

komsomol Russian Communist youth organization.

L [^Top]

laconismo brevity, laconism.

lacrimógeno tearful, causing tears.

ladrar to bark.

laico lay, secular.

lápida tombstone, slab.

latacungueño related to Latacunga (Ecuador).

lavabo wash basin; bathroom.

lecho bed; river bed.

legañoso bleary eyed, having crusts in eyes.

lengüeta long narrow leaf.

lengüetazo lick.

leñador woodcutter, lumberjack.

liar to roll (cigarette); to wrap up.

libra pound (monetary unit).

libreta notebook.

licantetino related to or from Licantén, Chile (commune).

limítrofe bordering.

linaje lineage; kind, sort.

linde edge, boundary.

lingote ingot, bar (gold).

listín phonebook, telephone directory.

litrero liter-sized.

llavero key chain, bunch of keys.

llorar to weep, cry;
— como una Magdalena to weep continually, like Mary Madgalene, the only woman to weep during the crucifixión of Christ.

lobo wolf;
— marino sea lion.

locutorio phone booth; visiting room.

lodazal mire, mud hole.

luciérnaga fire-fly, glow-worm.

lugareño local (person), resident.

lúgubre bleak, somber.

lumpen under class, working class.

lustrabotas bootblack, shoe shine boy.

lustrín shoeshine boy; box for shoe shine implements.

luto mourning, grief.

M [^Top]

macana rubbish, bullshit;
¡Qué —! What a nuisance, What a pain.

maceta flower pot.

maceteado strong, well-muscled.

macetero flower pot stand.

machiguenga Peruvian indian group of Amazon valley east of Machu Picchu.

machihembrado cut as tongue-in-groove (boards), dovetail joint.

macuto hunter’s bag; knapsack.

mafia mafia, mob.

magnetófono tape recorder.

malabares juggling.

malandra bum, reprobate.

maletín briefcase; doctor’s bag.

mameluco overalls, dungarees.

mancillar to tarnish, disgrace, sully.

mandar to send; to order;
— al cuerno to send to hell, reject.

manga width, beam (of boat).

manglar mangrove swamp.

mango handle.

manojo bunch, handful.

mapuche native indian (Patagonia).

maqueta scale model, dummy.

maquinear to torture by electric shock.

mariconeo homosexual act.

marmóreo marble-like.

de —
same old, you know who/which.

mascar to chew.

masón mason, freemason.

mastodonte mastodon, giant.

matonesco bullying, brutal.

matrícula license plate; enrollment.

mazo mallet.

mear to pee, to urinate.

mecano from “meccano” set (construction toy).

mecanografiar to type.

mecanógrafo typist.

mecenas patron.

medio middle;
ponerse de por — to get in the way/middle.

mejillón mussel.

melómano music lover.

menguante waning, getting smaller.

mercería items from haberdashery or notions store.

merecumbé a musical style originating in the 1950s that combines Colombian cumbia with Colombian merengue rhythms.

mico long-tailed monkey.

mierda shit.

milico militiaman, policeman.

mimador pampering, mollycoddling.

mina chick, broad (woman);
minón real hot chick.

minino kitty, young cat.

mochila back pack, book bag.

modorra drowsiness, sleepiness.

mofa disdain, scorn.

moflete chubby/puffy cheek.

molar relating to molar (rear tooth); abrasive.

mole mass, bulk.

mondadientes toothpick.

mondongo guts, tripe, intestines.

mono monkey;
— gruñón howler monkey.

monocorde dull, monotonous.

montubio crude rustic person.

moqueta wall-to-wall carpet, fitted carpet.

morcilla black/blood sausage, blood pudding.

morfar to eat, chow down, nosh.

morocho person with dark skin and hair; well-built guy; tough guy.

morosidad arrears, slowness in paying; apathy.

morral hunter’s bag; knapsack.

morro snout, nose.

mosqueo irritation, pique.

mote kernels of wheat;
— con huesillos drink made with dried peaches, wheat kernels, brown sugar, cinnamon, cloves, and orange peel cooked slowly to extract and blend flavors.

muelle dock, pier.

muesca notch, groove.

musiquilla tacky music, Musak.

N [^Top]

nabo turnip.

naufragio shipwreck; failure.

naúfrago castaway, shipwrecked person.

navegado warm mulled wine drink.

naviera ship owner; shipping company.

nervio nerve; sinew;
puro — real live wire, very active.

nitidez clarity, sharpness.

noch ‘ne noch eine, another (German).

Ñ [^Top]

ñandú rhea, S. American ostrich.

O [^Top]

O tempora, o mores! Oh what times, Oh what customs! (Cicero)

ocaso west; sunset.

occiso victim, deceased.

ojo eye;
poner los —s en blanco to show great admiration.

onanismo self-gratification, masturbation.

opíparo lavish.

orfeón a cappella choir.

osornino related to or from Osorno, Chile.

P [^Top]

padecimiento ailment; complaint; affliction.

pagaré IOU.

pajarraco rogue, rascal; big ugly bird.

palafito building on stilts near shore; supporting stilts/poles.

palo stick; perch (roost);
más cagado que — de gallinero in a bad way, shit upon.

pandilla gang, league; group of buddies.

panties tights, panty hose.

papanata simpleton.

paparruchada fib, nonsense.

papelazo starring role.

parca death, spectre of death, grim reaper.

parlamentar to talk, confer.

parque ammunition; park; depot.

parroquiano customer; parishioner.

párvulo infant, preschooler.

pasma cops, fuzz.

pasta dough, pastry; paste;
tener — de to have the makings for, to be cut out for;
pasta base crude form of cocaine.

patacón slice of fried banana.

pavita little kettle.

pavor terror, fear.

payador gaucho minstrel, troubadour.

pecera fish bowl/tank.

pechera shirt front, shirt board.

pecho chest;
sacar — to stick out one’s chest.

pegamento glue, adhesive, what holds something together.

pegatina sticker, label.

pelado shorn, bare; skinned.

pelambrera mop of hair.

peldaño step (stair).

peletero furrier.

pelusita fuzz face, w/o much beard.

pendejada stupid remark.

pendejo nincompoop.

peñasco crag, rock cliff.

peonza spinning top.

pepa seed (of fruit).

pequeñoburgués lower middle class, townsperson.

perejil parsley.

perezoso tree sloth.

perfilarse to take shape, be visible.

perilla knob, handle; switch (electric).

pernil haunch, hindquarter, upper leg;
—ito serving of hindquarter of young pig.

perol cooking pot.

perorata pitch, spiel.

petaca; petaquita flask; hip flask.

petiso; petisito short in stature; very short.

pétreo stony, rock-like; hard as a rock.

picana prod (cattle), stun gun.

pie foot, base;
al — del cañon on the ball, up to the challenge.

piedrolari athlete who heaves stones sport in Basque Country like tossing the caber in Scotland.

pienso feed, fodder (animals).

pífano fife, small flute.

pijecito little stuck-up rich kid.

pileta pool, font.

pinchadiscos disc jockey, DJ.

pinchar to tap (telephone).

pincharse to shoot oneself up (drugs).

piojo louse.

piola silent, not talking; shrewd, smart.

pisotón stamp (with foot), stepping on.

pitada toot (whistle), honk.

pitillo cigarette.

pitufa girlfriend who is a pain, ball and chain.

pitufa smurf, one of a group of small blue fictional comical TV cartoon creatures who live in mushroom-shaped houses.

plantado planted; standing;
bien — well-built, strong; handsome, well-groomed.

plantígrado walking with whole sole of foot on ground (quadruped).

platt Plattdeutsch, low German dialect used in northern Germany, east Netherlands.

pletórico full of, bursting with.

plomo lead (element); weight; fuse.

podrido rotted, decayed.

poemario collection of poems.

poli cop.

polizonte cop, policeman.

pontón pontoon, bridge.

porfiado stubborn, persistent.

pormenor detail, minutia.

pormenorizado detailed.

porrazo blow (cane, club).

portador bearer.

portento wonder, prodigy.

postrer final, last.

postrero last.

postura position, posture.

potable passable, acceptable; drinkable, potable.

pradera meadow, prarie.

precintar to seal off, close off.

premunir to provide with preventative or if-needed measures.

prepotencia arrogance, high-handedness.

prieta black/blood sausage, blood pudding.

primigenio original.

principiante beginner, novice.

prisa hurry, rush.

privarse to deprive, to give up.

prócer great man.

prodigar to overflow with, to abound with.

prófugo on the run; fugitive, deserter.

prole offspring, issue.

proleta proletariat, working class.

prolijo meticulous; long-winded.

prontuario criminal record; summary, compendium.

prótesis prosthesis.

púa barb, spur.

Puchuncaví town/commune in Valparaíso province of Chile, along northern coast.

puerco filthy, rotten.

Puerto Aysén Chilean port city located above the head of Aisén Fjord in the country’s extreme south.

pulga flea.

pulpería village store, tavern.

puna high Andean plain; altitude sickness.

puteada obscene insult; grumbling with foul language.

Q [^Top]

quebrada depression, ravine.

quinqué oil lamp.

quiromántico palm reader.

R [^Top]

ráfaga gust, burst.

raído threadbare, worn.

rana frog;
la — tiene cuatro patas to be all together, mature, experienced, on top of things;
la — tiene tres patas to be less than all there; to be generous despite adversity (according to Chinese legend);
la — es gorda stars are aligned, things are going right.

ranura slot; groove.

rapado cropped, shaven.

rápido rapid, fast;
a la —a on the fly, on the run.

raspabalsa perch-like fish.

raspabuches irritating throat.

ratero thief, crook.

rati Argentinian slang for cop (~rat).

raudo swift, rapid.

rayadura, ralladura scratch (in record); groove.

recadero messenger, messenger boy.

recato modesty; caution.

recaudo safe place, safe-keeping.

recodo bend, nook.

recua train of pack animals.

redacción editorial office, editorial staff.

reducir to subdue, overcome.

regadera watering can.

regateo haggling, bargaining.

regentar to manage, to direct.

reincidente offending again, recidivist.

remate bankruptcy sale, auction.

remecer to stroke, rub; to sway, swing.

remolacha beet; sugar beet.

renquear to limp, hobble.

reojo corner of eye;
de — out the corner of the eye.

repasar to look over; to scrutinize.

repiquetear drumming; pealing (bell).

repliegue retreat, withdrawal.

reposado aged, let sit a while.

repostar to refuel, fill up.

requisar seize, confiscate; requisition.

resaca hangover; undertow.

resaltar to highlight, to stand out.

resguardar to protect, to shelter.

respiradero air vent, register/grille

retahíla string, series.

retazo remnant, fragment.

reuma rheumatism.

reverendo awful, complete/total (negative).

rey king;
— de bastos king of clubs, tarot card (associated with fire and quick temper).

ripio rubble, debris, large gravel.

ristra string; series.

roer to gnaw, to nibble at.

rosca donut, pastry;
no comerse una rosca to not get any, not score (sex).

S [^Top]

saldo balance (money), value.

salmonera salmon farm/hatchery; salmon net; salmon ladder.

salobre salty; brackish.

santiaguina related to or from Santiago, Chile.

santo y seña password.

sardina sardine;
entierro de la — carnival-like celebration on Ash Wednesday.

sarta string; series.

saurio reptile.

saya skirt; petticoat.

sazón season, time;
a la — at that time.

sebo tallow, fat (animal).

segar to reap, to mow, to cut down; to cut short.

senda path.

senectud old age, senescence.

sentar to establish, to seat;
dar por sentado
to take for granted.

sepelio burial, funeral.

sesera brains, thought processes;
andar la — to think things through, rack one’s brain.

seso brain; sense;
volar a ALGN los —s to blow someone’s brains out.

shuar indian group near Peru/Ecuador border who make shrunken heads.

sibarita sybaritic, sensual, with luxury.

simulacro sham, pretense.

siseo hiss, hissing.

slíbowitz plum brandy (Balkan).

sobaco armpit.

sobaquera holster under armpit.

sobarse to massage, to knead.

soberbio superb.

sobornar to bribe.

sobremesa table talk.

soja soy, soybean.

solaz relaxation; solace.

soldado welded, frozen in place.

soliviantar to stir up, unsettle.

sopaipilla fritter with pumpkin;
— pasada sopaipilla dipped in syrup of dark brown sugar, cinnamon, and orange rind.

sopapo slap, smack.

sordera deafness.

sorna sarcasm.

sorocho, soroche altitude sickness.

sucedáneo substitute, imitation, replacement.

suceso event, celebrity.

sucursal branch office, subsidiary.

suerte luck, fortune; sort, kind, type.

sujetador bra, brassiere.

surtido well stocked.

T [^Top]

tabernamontana shrub/tree, crape jasmine (fruit of some have digestive or psychedelic side-effects).

taburete stool.

tacón heel;
—es high heels (shoes).

talante mood, disposition.

tamaño such a, so big a; size.

tambor cylinder of gun; drum (instrument).

tanga thong, G-string.

tanguero related to tango.

tanto so much/many; a certain amount;
por lo —

tañer to play; to toll.

taquillero ticket clerk/agent.

tarabita rope stretched across river (w/o bridge) to suspend person/material for crossing.

tarro jar, pot.

tartamudeo stuttering, stammering.

tartamudo stutterer, stammerer.

tea torch.

tebeo comic book; comics, comic page.

teca teak tree.

techumbre roofing material.

tejado roof.

tendencia tendency; trend.

terco stubborn.

tero, teruteru southern lapwing (bird); having long skinny legs (insult).

terruño homeland, native land.

tesón tenacity.

tetrabrick carton package for beverages (Swedish).

tienda tent, cover.

tijeretazo snip, scissors cut.

tilo linden tree.

timbal small drum, kettledrum.

timón rudder, helm.

titiritero puppeteer.

toldo awning, canvas.

toque toll, ringing, call; touch; dollop;
— de queda curfew.

trago beverage (alcoholic); swallow; rough time, adversity.

tramar to weave, plot, hatch (plan).

tramo trip, transit, stretch.

trampilla trapdoor, hatch.

tranco stride;
a —s in a hurry.

trapeada stroke with cloth/rag (to polish/clean).

traposo ragged, tattered.

trazo stroke (writing), imprint.

trolley plaid shirt.

tromba downpour, gush.

truco trick, knack.

trueque exchange, swap.

tugurio hovel, shack; dive.

tupido dense, thick.

tzanza method shuars use to make shrunken heads.

V [^Top]

vaca cow; beef;
—s flacas the lean years;
—s gordas the years of plenty.

vaciar to empty; to pour out; to extract information.

vaina good-for-nothing, junk, crap.

vallenato popular folk music from Colombia’s Caribbean region.

variopinto diverse, mixed.

vasco Basque.

vástago offspring; shoot, bud.

vedado forbidden, prohibited.

vela vigil; candle; sail;
dar le a uno — en este entierro to ask for SO’s opinión, to be SO’s business.

velero sailboat; sail maker; candle maker.

vellosidad hairiness, fuzziness.

veneno poison, venom; vitriol.

ventisquero blizzard, snow storm; snow drift.

verdad truth;
— de la milanesa real/unvarnished truth.

verduzco, verdusco greenish, darkish green.

verga penis; thin stick.

verruga wart.

vestigio vestige, remains.

vetusto very old, ancient.

vigente in force, valid.

vino wine;
conversar un vinito to have a conversation over a glass of wine.

viraje turn, tack, change of direction.

visón mink.

visor door viewer/peephole; viewfinder.

voltereta somersault.

Y [^Top]

yacaré crocodile, alligator.

yonqui junkie.

Z [^Top]

zamparse to scarf down; to wolf down.

zapallo pumpkin, squash.

zarpar to set sail, to weigh anchor.

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