
This is a vocabulary list for reasonably advanced readers of Doña Bárbara by Rómulo Gallegos (1929). The content, including Venezuelan usage of Spanish words and expressions from the llanuras of Venezuela, is derived from a variety of sources — e.g., the Diccionario de la Lengua Española de la Real Academia Española, the Vox Spanish Dictionary, the WordReference collection of dictionaries and discussion blogs, on-line vocabularies of llanerismos such as from the Biblioteca Luis Ángel Arango, and other blogs and discussion groups seeking clarifications of word meanings. The original version with definitions in mixed Spanish and English is also available.

This vocabulary is for non-commercial educational or personal use. Please contact me with corrections or additions.

Tom Rindfleisch

Last update 10/29/2013


compare, see
p. p.
past participle


A [^Top]

abasto m. supply; provisions
dar to cope/deal with, keep up with.

abejero m. beehive, apiary, (colmenar).

abigeato m. rustling, petty theft, pilfering.

abnegado, a adj. selfless, self-sacrificing, altruistic.

abnegar v. to renounce, to give up.

abolido, a adj. (p.p. of abolir), abolished, ended.

abordar v. to approach, to bring up (topic).

aboyar v. to mark with buoys; to float in water

abrasar v. to burn/scorch; to burn (with desire).

abrojal m. thistle patch.

abrojo m. thistle.

abúlico, a adj. apathetic, indifferent, spineless.

acapador, a m./f. person who castrates.

acaparador, a m./f. hoarder, monopolizer.

acatar v. to obey, to comply with, to respect.

aciago, a adj. ill-fated; tragic.

acicalamiento m.dressing up.

acicalar v. to dress up, to smarten up.

acicate m. pointed spur.

acometividad f. aggressiveness; enterprise.

acopio m. stock, store, accumulation.

acorralar v. to leave someone stuck, corralled, or trapped.

acupe m. fermented corn drink.

adecentarse v. to clean up, spruce up.

adolecer v. to suffer (from); to have a fault.

advenedizo m. newcomer, wannabe.

agasajo m. pleasure, delight, attention.

agazapado, a adj. hiding, crouching down, lurking.

agravante m. aggravation, added difficulty/irritation.

aguacerito blanco m., drizzle, mist; (calabobos ).

aguaitacamino, guaitacamino m. potoo, short-tailed nighthawk, nightjar, insect-eating bird up to 35 cm in length, brownish-gray feathers with reds and blacks, long white and black tail.

aguaitar v. to watch, to stalk.

aguaite interj. look, see.

aguaje m. surface ripples/eddies left by fish or animals swimming under water.

ahíto, a adj. sated, full.

ajilar v. bite the hook (fish)
—se, ahilarse to march in file.

ala f. wing
meterse bajo el to seek protection/assistance of.

alante adv. adelante, ahead.

alarde m. display, boasting, showing off
hacer to boast, to show off.

alardear v. to boast, to show off.

alazán, —o m. dark reddish horse (like cinnamon) with white in the feet
—, a adj. having dark reddish color.

albedrío m. volition, free will, voluntad.

alborotado, a adj. excited; revolted.

albricias f.(pl) gift, reward (for good news); congratulations.

alcaraván m. curlew or plover, long legged, loud bird, about 40 cm in length, brown feathers streaked with white, large yellow eyes.

alcornocal m. stand of cork oaks, alcornoque.

alcornoque m. cork oak, evergreen hardwood tree, 8-10 m in height, thick cork bark, acorn fruits.

aleatorio, a adj. random, by chance/luck.

alentar v. to harbor, to have inside; to breathe; to encourage; to continue, to live on.

aletargar v. to make lethargic.

aletazo m. flap/blow with wing; underarm odor.

alevoso, a adj. treacherous, premeditated.

alforza f. pleat, tuck; scar.

algarrobo m. carob or locust tree, evergreen tree 8-10 m in height, irregular crown, purple flowers.

alijo m. lighter (boat); contraband smuggling boat.

aljibe m. cistern, tank, spring-fed reservoir.

almizcle m. musk.

altanería f. arrogance, haughtiness.

altivo, a adj. arrogant, uppish; fiery, untamed.

aluego adv. later, then; as usual; therefore.

alumbradora f. lamp, votive light.

alumbrar v. to awaken, to show the light, to make one see stars.

alzada f. height of an animal (from front hoof to the top of the shoulder)
ventajas de la advantage of height.

alzarse v. to rise up, rebel.

amadrinador, a m./f. horseman accompanying a horse-breaker/trainer.

amadrinar v. to travel together; to accompany a horse-breaker/trainer.

amanerado, a adj. affected, unnatural.

amansar v. to tame.

amedrentar v. to frighten, to scare.

amoscado, a adj. angry, upset.

amoscar v. to make angry/upset.

ampolla f. bubble; blister.

amugar, amusgar v. to lay ears back (animal).

anca f. haunch, hindquarter; rump.

ancho, a adj. broad, wide; lax, unfettered
a sus —s adj. at one’s ease/comfort.

andariego, a adj. wandering; given to walking.

anegar v. to flood.

anhelo m. longing, nostalgia.

animadversión f. hostility, ill-will, animosity.

aniñar v. to behave in childish manner.

aniquilado, a adj. annihilated; run down.

anjá interj. Aha!

anochecida f. getting dark, nightfall.

anón, a m./f. guanábano or chirimoya, tropical tree up to 4 m in height, with strong smelling whitish flowers, and fruit like an apple.

anquilostomiasis f. hookworm disease.

antecesor, a m./f. previous incumbent, forerunner; ancestor.

adj. par excellence; most characteristic.

anubarrado, a adj. cloudy; painted to imitate clouds.

añicos m.(pl) bits, pieces
hacer v. to tear/break into bits.

apaciguante adj. calming, tranquilizing.

apaleador, a m./f. one who beats/drubs.

apearse v.; to get off/down; to dissuade; to hobble a horse; to remove, to forget about.

apego m. attachment/bonding to.

apelativo m. family name, surname; epithet.

aperar v. to saddle or harness (horse); to equip SO.

apersonarse v. to appear in person, comparecer.

apestar v. to smell/stink; to infect/infest.

apiarse v. see apearse.

apoderado, a m./f. one with power to act on behalf of another.

apostadero m. post, place.

apoyar v. to fill cow’s teat with milk; to support.

apoyo m. milk held back for calf
— y escurrido m. process of using a cow’s calf/yearling to start milk flowing by suckling at the start of milking and allowing the cow to see its calf to complete milking.

apresar v. to arrest/capture; to clutch, hold tightly.

apurar v. to finish up (drink); to put pressure on; to purify; to get to the bottom of.

aquí adv. here; now; then
mas he ~ que interj. (expression of surprise) “lo and behold”, “but to my surprise”, “contrary to what I thought”, “and what do you think happened”.

araguato m. dark tawny color; howler monkey
sol de los s; sol de los venados m. yellow setting sun.

Arauca administration, district, capitol city in Venezuela, major river (Venezuela); feminine name.

arbitrariedad f. arbitrary act, injustice; impulse.

ardid m. scheme, ruse.

arepa f. corn cake, thick tortilla (Venezuela & Colombia).

argucia f. subtly deceptive/false argument.

arica f. wild bee.

armadura f. framework, skeleton.

arpa f. harp.

arpista m./f. harpist (see arpa).

arraigar v. to establish, take root.

arranque m. fit, outburst; start.

arrasar v. to lay waste to; to level, flatten.

arrear v. to herd; to urge on.

arrebiatar v. to tie an animal by the tail.

arrebiate m. horse tied to the tail of another; something added inappropriately.

arrebiato m. rope to tie two or more horses in single file.

arrebol m. red glow; rouge
es m.(pl) red clouds

arrebolada f. sky filled with red clouds.

arrellanarse v. to stretch out, lounge about.

arremansarse v. to make flow more slowly, pool (liquid).

arremetida f. attack, onslaught.

arrices, arricés m.(pl) buckles to secure saddle straps holding stirrups, estribos.

arrimar v. to approach, to get close to.

arroba f. measure of liquid/solid weight (~11.502 kg, 25.3 lbs).

arrochelarse v. to shy, balk (horse); refuse to go out (dog); take a liking to a place.

arrojo m. daring, intrepidness, fearlessness.

arrollar v. to crush; to sweep/brush aside.

arrosquetado, a adj. wheat colored; tanned, browned.

arrullar v. to lull; to coo; to bill and coo.

artero, a adj. cunning, crafty.

arzón m. saddle tree or bow.

ascendiente m. power, influence; ancestor.

asedio m. harassment; siege.

asina adv. thus, like this.

aspear v. to toss an animal so feet are pointing up; make feet sore (walking, etc.).

atajar v. to cut off, interrupt.

atarraya f. round casting net.

atarrillamiento m. typhus in animals (tabardillo); exhaustion from overexposure to sun or exertion.

atarrillarse v. to be sickened by exposure to sun, over-exert.

atascarse v. to get stuck, to get bogged down; to get clogged.

aterciopelar v. to produce a pleasant/delicate impression.

aterido, a adj. frozen stiff.

atisbo m. inkling, hint, slight sign.

atocar v. see tocar

atolladero m. predicament, impediment; quagmire.

atolondrado, a adj. bewildered; scatterbrained.

atracar v. to come alongside, to dock.

atravesar v. to impede, intercept, cut off; to put on/across back of horse
—se v. to interfere, meddle.

atribulado, a adj. sad, melancholy, dejected.

atrincarse v. to strangle.

atrincherarse v. to be entrenched.

atropellada f., attacking, rushing

atropello m. trampling, stampede, crashing into; running roughshod over, abuse of power.

atusarse v. to dress to the nines; to smooth (as mustache).

augur m. seer, diviner.

augurio m. omen, portent.

aureola f. aura, halo.

avasallador, a adj. subjugating, subduing.

avenirse v. to get on well with, agree.

avilantez f. insolence, audacity.

avisparse v. to liven up; to become alarmed.

avispero m. wasp nest/comb
alboratarse el v. to stir up a hornet’s nest.

ayo, a m./f. tutor, governess.

azoramiento m. consternation, bewilderment.

azorarse v. to make self-conscious, to bewilder.

B [^Top]

baba f. reptile smaller than caimán.

bache m. pothole.

bahareque m. mud wall of poles, mud, & cane.

baile m. dance festival, joropo.

bajante m. receding of water level.

bajío m. bajo.

bajo m. savannah area that floods.

balandrán m. cassock (church vestment).

balatá, balata f. cow-tree, tall tree to 40 m, heavy wood, edible fruits, produces latex.

balido m. bleating sound (animal).

balsa f. raft, float (from bamboo, guaduas).

bambú m. bamboo.

banano m. banana plant (like a plátano).

banco m. elevated area of the plains that does not flood; bank, shoal.

banda f. steep side of river channel, gorge.

bandurria f. small guitar-like instrument w pear-shaped body, 6 pairs of strings played with a pick.

baniba f. indigenous group in Amazonia; laurel-like tree.

baquía f. expert knowledge of ins/outs of area practical skills.

baquiano m. experienced expert/guide in a region (trails, ranches, people, customs).

báquiro m. young wild pig (like jabalí) having gland high on back giving off fetid smell.

barahúnda f. uproar.

barajustador, a adj. charging, stampeding.

barajustar v.to charge, stampede
—se to stampede, flee.

barajuste m. escape, stampede, desbandada.

barbasco m. leafy plant whose root extract (Cubé resin) stuns/poisons fish.

barbilla f. small catfish.

barinés m. strong northwest wind starting the rainy season; referring to the city of Barinas (Venezuela).

barlovento m. windward side; (see sotavento).

barragana f. concubine, mistress; female companion.

barranco, a m./f. narrow steep-walled canyon, gorge.

barrear v. to topple an animal and immobilize it by tying its feet.

barrosa f. muddy/clayey terrain.

barroso, a adj. white or cream colored (animal).

bastimento m. provisions supplied to sustain a city, army, etc.; preparation and food for a journey.

baticola f. saddle part near tail of horse.

batir v. to beat, flap, stir.

batuta f. baton (orchestra conductor)
llevar la f. to direct, be in charge.

bayeta f. filter cloth.

bayo m. bay horse (yellowish white).

bebedero m. watering hole.

bebedizo m. magical potion; love potion.

becerrero m. cowherd, young cowhand.

becerro, a m./f. calf/heifer up to about 2 yrs old.

belfo m. lip, muzzle, snout (animal)
belfo, a adj. having protruding lower lip.

bellaco m. animal hard to control/tame.

bellaquear v. to buck (horse); to fool, to play a trick on.

bellaquería f. dirty trick; cunning, slyness.

beneficiar v. to cut/quarter a beef and sell it.

berenjena f. eggplant.

berenjenal m. jam, mess; eggplant field.

bestiaje m. drove of beasts of burden.

bigarro m. large wild bull.

bisoño, a adj. novice, beginner.

blancaje m. (white) owners/leaders/bosses.

blandura f. gentleness, docilness.

boche m. reprimand, slight, snub.

boga f. rower, boat poler.

bogador m. rower, boat poler.

bola f. ball, sphere; (colloq) head, skull
de f. definitely, absolutely, totally, always.

bolerear v. trip animal lassoing its front legs, fell animal by pulling on rope on its tail.

boleta f. official document; ticket
— de citación official notice of citation, complaint, order to appear.

bomba f. uneven terrain with mounds/moguls.

bongo m. large shallow-draft canoe.

bonguero m. captain of bongo.

boñiga f. cow platter/pie.

boquerón m. large opening; anchovy.

boquete m. opening, entrance/exit; adit of mine; tearing/rending of surface/covering.

boral m. green floating aquatic plant found in flooded areas of plains.

bordón m. largest of string instruments, bass.

bordoneo m. scratchy sound of bass guitar.

botalón m. post for tying up animals (see bramadero).

bote m. receptable for milk to make cheese.

botijón m. large gourd dried as container, camaza.

botín m. booty, spoils.

botiquín m. general store/tavern; first-aid kit.

bragueta f. fly in pants.

bramadero m., post for tying up animals (see botalón).

bramante m. hemp string/cord.

bravuconada f. acting up, showing off.

bravura f. bravery; fierceness.

brega f. struggle, quarrel
dar to be feisty, fight back.

bregar v. to work hard, slog away; struggle, fight.

breñal, breñar m. rough ground with scrub.

bribón m. contemptible person, scum bag; rascal.

bribonada f. dirty tricks.

brida f. bridle (for horse).

brocal m. parapet (by well); pithead (mine).

brujeador, a m./f. cowboy who chases down runaway animals.

brujear v. to chase runaway animals and herd them back to a corral, trasnochar.

brújula f. compass.

brujulear, brujuliar v. to get a sense of, to figure out.

bufido m. snort; expression of anger
dar —s to snort angrily.

buhonero m. traveling peddler.

buido, a adj. pointed, sharp; striated.

bulto m. size, bulk; body obscured by distance or darkness; bundle, luggage
tirar al to shoot in the dark, to take potshots.

burdo, a adj. coarse, rough, crude.

butaque m. low, folding chair of wood and leather.

C [^Top]

cabalgata f. procession, cavalcade

cabalístico, a adj. enigmatic, superstitious; member of group giving mystical interpretation to Old Testament.

caballicero, caballericero. m. horse groom, stablehand; cowboy.

cabaño m. caballo.

cabecear (los ríos) v. to reach maximum stage, to peak (water level).

cabestrero m. farm hand who leads cattle by their halters.

cabestro m. halter (animal).

cabida f. space, room.

cabildear v. to gather, get together, form cabildo.

cabildeo m. bellow from cattle gathering together.

cabildo m. spontaneous gathering of frightened animals.

cabo m. axe handle.

cabrestear v. to lead a group of animals to ford a river.

cabrestero, cabestrero m. barbarism of cabestro .

cabresto m. lasso made from horse hair; lasso, cabestro.

cabuya f. cord from plant fiber.

cabuyera f. cords that support hammocks and fishing nets.

cachapear, cachapiar v. to alter the brand on an animal by overlaying another brand.

cachetada f. slap, blow.

cachicamo, a m./f. armadillo; wasp whose nest looks like an armadillo.

cachilapear, cachilapiar v. to chase down unbranded/ownerless animals (orejanos).

cachilapeo m. trapping unbranded animals.

cachilapo m. wild unbranded bull in the savanna.

cachimba f. pipe.

cacho m. horn; horn attached to cord (used by cowboy to fetch water on the fly; short anecdote
— y muela lassoing the head and horns of a steer.

cachorro, a m./f. pup, puppy; cub.

cacique m. chief (Indian); political boss; tyrant.

café negro, café cerrero m. strong, black coffee.

cajón m. strip of savanna land between two rivers.

calabobos m. steady drizzle/mist.

calambrear v. to cramp up.

calar v. to put an article of clothing on, to pull down (hat); to wet; to penetrate.

calceta f. small section of savanna surrounded by trees and shrubs; flat plain.

camaza f., large gourd (fruit of camacero tree) made into water container (see botijón).

campar v. to stand out, be distinguishable.

camperuso m. campesino.

candela f. wildfire.

caney m. round hut/shack made from sticks and reeds.

cangilón m. channeled/rutted terrain.

canícula f. dog days.

canilludo, a adj. spindle legged.

canoero m. one who navigates a canoe, boatman.

canta f. singing; (folk) song
estar — que adj. to keep singing and singing.

cañafístolo m. cassia or golden shower tree, up to 10 m in height, leafy, yellow flowers, fruit with sweet pulp useful in medicine.

caño m. narrow river channel carrying fresh water from the savanna.

cañón m. gun barrel; canyon
por todo el adv. out and out, all the way.

cañonera f. holster.

capacho m. seeds from the capacho tree used as rattles in maracas.

capar v. to castrate, emasculate.

capcioso, a adj. asking leading or loaded questions.

caporal m. overseer/caretaker responsible for a ranch.

capotera f. canvas traveling bag/roll; clothes rack.

captarse v. to hold, attract, win over.

caracolear v. to make a horse do turns and reversals.

carama f. antler, rack of antlers (stag).

caramacate m. tree up to 7 m in height, used for lumber, strong roots stabilize river banks.

caramero, a m./f. rack of antlers (stag); snag of branches and brush carried by a stream; badly aligned set of teeth.

carantoña f. caress, show of affection.

carato m. rice/corn drink with fruit juice and sugar.

cárdeno m. purple/violet color.

cardumen m. school of fish.

carecerse v. to do without, to lack.

cargar v. to charge, load, take on
— la mano (con) v. to overdo, to give too much/a lot.

cariacontecido, a adj. perplexed, upset.

caribe m. piranha fish.

caribera f. school of piranhas/caribes.

carpincho m. capybara, large semi-aquatic rodent, 1 m long, chigüire .

carrao m. limpkin, crying bird, long-legged dark gray bird said to forebode future.

carril m. track, rail, lane
— del horizonte line of horizon.

carroña f. carrion.

casa f. house, home
echar la — por la ventana to go overboard, to spare no expense/effort.

casabe m. cassava bread.

casco m. hoof
a medio canter, half trot.

castañolucero, a adj. chestnut-colored with white blaze on face.

castrar v. to castrate; to harvest honeycombs.

catar v. to taste/test; to see, judge; inquire.

caterva f. bunch, throng, crowd.

catire m. blond person generally of European descent.

cauda f. train of gown/robe.

caudal m. flow, volume of flow; wealth, riches
caudal adj. related to train of gown/robe.

caudillo, a m./f. leader, head.

cavilar v. to ponder, brood over.

caviloso, a adj. brooding, moody, pondering.

cebado, a adj. related to an animal hooked on human flesh.

cebar v. to prime (pump, firearm); bait; fatten.

cegato, a adj. short-sighted, myopic.

ceja f. eyebrow
atravesarse/tener entre — y to have the impression, believe.

celada f. ambush, trap.

centuplicar v. to increase 100 times.

ceñido, a adj. tight fitting.

cerciorarse v. to verify/assure oneself.

cerner, cernir v. to sift/filter; to drizzle
—se to hover, to loom/hang over.

cerrajón m. big hill; bonito (fish).

cerrero, a adj. in wild/natural form.

cerril adj. untamed (horse); very obstinate (person).

cerrilidad f. wildness, stubbornness.

chamizo m. dry limb; kindling/small pieces of wood for ovens.

chancero, a adj. joking; mocking.

changuango m. small plant with edible rizome, Dracontium.

chanza f. something said in jest or mockingly.

chaparral m. scrub plants, brush.

chaparrazo m. blow with cane/staff; downpour.

chaparrear v. to get scratched by scrub plants; to rain heavily and suddenly.

chaparro m. shrub oak; small cane from shrub oak to prod horse.

chaparrón m. squall, downpour.

charco m. pool, puddle; river; tributary.

chasco m. trick, disappointment
llevarse un to be disappointed.

chasqueado, a adj. deceived, disappointed.

chasquiar v. to eat noisily with mouth open; to reprimand bruskly.

chasquido m. click of tongue.

chenchena f. hoatzin, turkey-like bird with a long neck and small head topped by a spiky, rufous crest. Very noisy.

chicharra f. cicada.

chicuaco, a m./f. heron, long-legged wading bird with tapering bill.

chiga f. starchy extract from seeds of chigo tree.

chigo m. small shrubby tree whose seeds are used like flour.

chigüire m. capybera, , large semi-aquatic rodent, 1 m long, carpincho.

chimó m. snuff (tobacco).

chinchorro m. hammock of netting; drag net.

chiquero m. pig sty/enclosure.

chiquillada f. childish prank, childishness.

chischear v. swishing, soft rattle of maracas.

chischeo m. onomatopoetic sound of maracas.

chorrera f. rapids, cascade; channel.

chucha see fara.

chucuto m. very short tail; animal with no tail.

chupetada f. puff (on cigarette).

chusiar, chuzar v. to prick with pin or needle.

chusmita f. small blue heron similar to a dove.

ciénaga f. swamp.

cimarrón m. runaway/fugitive (slave, animal); wild, untamed; part (golpe) of a joropo festival.

cimarronero, a m./f. runaway/wild horse; group of runaway/wild horses.

cimbrearse, cimbrar v., to cause something to bend or vibrate.

cinegético, a adj. related to hunting.

clarín m. bugle, trumpet.

clueca f. brooding hen; brood nest.

coacción f. physical or psychological coercion.

codillo m. arm joint close to chest (animal).

cohecho m. bribery, blackmail.

colada f. straining, filtering
— del café brewing/filtering of coffee.

colear v. to throw a cow by grabbing its tail; to gate crash; to wag tail; to drag on.

colegir v. to infer.

colindante adj. bordering, neighboring.

colmenar m. place for beehives, apiary, abejero.

comedero m. place for cattle to eat, pasture.

cometido m. work obligation, comission, mission.

comparecer v. to appear in person before a court or tribunal.

cómplice m. accomplice.

conciliábulo m. secret or hush-hush meeting.

conforme adj. corresponding, like
a — igual in conformance with, as/like.

consecuente adj. consistent with; honorable.

contemporizador, a m./f. one who is compliant/accommodating; termporizer.

contimás adv. all the more so, much less.

contrafuego m. firebreak.

conuco m. small plot of land.

conversada f. conversation, talk, chat
echar una to have a chat/talk.

copete m. head, contents of vessel above brim; crest, forelock.

coraje m. courage, toughness.

coraza f. leather covering of a saddle frame (fuste).

corcovear v. to buck (horse).

corocoro, a m./f. deep red ibis, long-legged bird.

coroto m. trivial item, odd and end; power (political).

corraleja f. small enclosure/corral to handle horses.

corredero m. place where horses roam/run, stomping grounds.

corredor m. corridor; balcony/veranda of building, soportal.

correría f. raid, foray; trip, excursion.

corretear v. to run about for play.

corrido m. popular song/romance accompanied by guitar and maracas.

corrillo m. subgroup, clique.

corvejón m. hock (horse); spur (rooster); cormorant.

cotejar v. to compare/collate; to arrange.

cotiza f. rustic sandal.

cotúa f., snakebird, darter, water turkey, aquatic bird with wisp of feathers behind each eye.

coz f. kick.

creciente m./f. flood (water); crescent; increase.

crepúsculo m. dusk, twilight.

crinejear v. to braid a horse’s tail to carry rider’s lasso.

crizneja f. braid (hair).

cuajadito, a adj. chock-full of, covered with.

cuajarse v. to fill up.

cuarterón m. one quarter of an arroba.

cuatrero m. rustler, cattle thief.

cuatro m. small guitar with four strings.

cuchichear v. to whisper.

cuerpo m. body; substance
tomar to take shape/form.

cuiba f. belligerent indian group living near the rivers of the Meta.

cuidado m. care, attention
adj. suspicious; real, really.

culata f. back corner/area, remote area; butt/stock of a firearm.

culatero m. hand bringing up the rear in herding horses.

cunaguaro, a m./f. ocelot, wildcat about 1 m in length.

cunavichero, a m./f. native of the region near Cunaviche (in state of Apure, Venezuela)
m. part (golpe) of a joropo dance.

cundir v. to spread; to go a long way; to progress.

curiara f. long, light canoe.

curso m. course; school year; watercourse
dar — a to give way to, to resort to, to carry out.

curucutear v. to rummage/delve into.

curvinata f. corvina, medium sized coastal fish.

D [^Top]

dama f. señora, señorita, term of distinction referring to refined women.

dañero, a m./f. wizard/witch who can cast a harmful spell.

dao p.p. dado.

decaer v. to weaken, decline, lose heart.

décima f. romantic poem of 4 stanzas with 10 lines per stanza, 8 syllables per line.

deglución f. swallowing.

degollar v. to cut the throat of a person or animal.

dejao adj. separated from one’s wife or sweetheart; lazy.

demudar v. to change, alter; to turn pale; to change expression.

en adv. before, previous.

dende prep. = desde.

deparar v. to offer, to afford/give.

deponer v. to depose, to give a deposition.

deque = déme.

en prep. around, surrounding.

derrengado, a adj. bent, crippled; worn out.

desacierto m. error, mistake; lack of tact.

desagerar v. to exaggerate.

desagravio m. reparation.

desairado, a adj. ungraceful, awkward; humiliating.

desaliento m. discouragement.

desaliño m. sloppy dress and personal hygiene.

desandar v. to retrace, go back over trail.

desarrugar v. to unwrinkle, to smooth.

desaseo m. grubbiness, untidiness.

desbandada f. stampede, flight, barajuste.

desbaratar v. to undo, to ruin, to waste.

desbastar (a alguien) v. to educate, refine, polish.

desempeñar v. to carry out (obligations, responsibilities).

desencadenar v. to unleash; to unchain.

desencajado, a adj. disfigured, decomposed.

desentender v. to feign ignorance; to stay out of a matter.

desesperante adj. exasperating, infuriating.

desgajarse v. to break off, to come off; to tear to pieces (like segments of fruit).

desgalichado, a adj. ungraceful, uncoordinated.

desgañitarse v. to make oneself hoarse.

desgreñado, a adj. having uncombed hair.

deslumbramiento m. exhilaration, bedazzlement.

desmadejamiento m. weakness.

desmadejar v. to weaken; to unroll a ball of yarn/thread.

desmán m. excess, abuse of power.

desmemoriado, a adj. forgotten, foggy, confused; forgetful, absent-minded.

desmigajar v. to make bread crumbs; to break up into pieces.

desmoronar v. to cause to crumble, collapse
—se to lose heart, to fall apart.

desmostrencaje m. separation of cows and yearlings in two corrals.

desmostrencar v. to separate cows and yearlings in two corrals.

desniquelado, a adj. having nickel-plating worn off.

desnivel m. unevenness, misalignment.

desnucadero m. place where one can break one’s neck.

despachar v. to wait on, to attend to customers.

despanzurrar v. to squash, to crush.

despatarrarse v. to spread one’s legs wide.

despearse v. to hurt/injure feet on long trek.

despecho m. spite, resentment; desperation, despair.

despego m. detachment; separation; lifting off.

despernancarse v. to open legs wide, despatarrarse.

despilfarrar v. to waste money foolishly.

desplante m. disdain, insolence, arrogance; impudent remark/act.

despoblado m. unpopulated area, esp if previously populated.

despojo m. loss, plundering, snatching.

desprevenido, a adj. by surprise, unprepared, unready.

despuntar v. to begin to lighten at morning.

desquitar v. to compensate (for bad deed); to avenge; to make good
—se to get even.

destemplado, a adj. untempered, immoderate
con las cajas —as with muted drums; w/r to person, muted, wind out of sails.

desternillarse v. to hurt/break ribs/sides.

desusado, a adj. unusual, strange; old-fashioned, out-of-date.

desvariar v. to be delirious, to rave, to talk nonsense.

desvestir v. to take off; to shake off (as lasso).

desvirtuar v. to contradict/belie.

devaneo m. dalliance, affair; foolishness.

diablo m. devil, satan
— y su mujer peleando raining while the sun shines at the same time.

diestra f. right hand.

dificulto, a adj. difficult, difícil.

dilatar v. to prolong, delay.

Dios libre … interj. God help …

dir = de ir.

disgregar v. to disintegrate, to break up.

dividive, dividivi m. cascalote, tree with dense wood whose fruit pods are rich in tannin, used to cure leather.

dizque conj. supposedly, as is said, it appears (may indicate irony or doubt).

dormitao = dormido.

dotol = doctor.

ducho, a adj. knowledgeable, well versed.

duende m. imp, fantasm.

dueño, a m./f. owner, proprieter.

dulce m. treacle/syrup of unrefined sugar.

duplicar v. to double; to duplicate.

durmiente m. sleeper, beam, tie (wood used in construction).

E [^Top]

eco m. shout/lament as part of sound of the joropo; expression of repugnance (crazy, nuts).

edificante adj. edifying, uplifting.

égida f. shield; aegis, protection.

ejecutoria f. writ carrying out execution or sentence; title/seal of nobility.

embalsamar v. to give off aroma; to embalm (body).

embarbascao adj. drunk, blotto (from liquor); head over heels in love.

embarbascar v., to throw extract from barbasco/verbasco (medicinal plant) in the water to stun fish
—se || to fall head over heels in love.

embelesado, a adj. fascinated, delighted.

embellecer v. to make beautiful

emboscar v. to take cover, to set an ambush.

embotar v. to dull (knife edges, points, etc.).

embrollo m. mess; embarrassing situation.

embudo m. funnel; narrowing chute to guide animals to separate them.

embuste m. fraud, sham.

empadronado, a adj. having an entry in the population registry.

empadronar v. to enter in the town registry
—se to establish as a real entity, to have/bring under control.

empalmar v. to roof with palm fronds.

emparejar v. to even up; to join together.

empatar v. to end in a tie/even score; to join two things together.

empecinado, a adj. tenacious, stubborn.

empellón m. hard push using body weight.

empenacharse v. to adorn with plumes.

empeñar v. to pawn
—se to insist on, to take on.

empinar v. to tip (bottle); to hold up
—se to rear up (animal); to rise upwards (road, tower, tree).

enantes adv. a moment ago, some time ago.

enardecer v. to excite, to inflame, to work up.

encabalgarse v. to merge linguistically or poetically; to mount (horse or female).

encabritamiento m. rearing; rising up, surging.

encabritarse v. to get angry; to rear up.

encalado, a adj. whitewashed.

encaminador, a m./f. herder/leader of cattle; router (network).

encandilar v. to light up; to dazzle, to daze.

encapotado, a adj. cloudy, threatening (weather).

encaramar v. to climb, to get to a hard-to-reach place.

encargada f. gut area of cow behind the ribs
encargado, a m./f. ; foreperson, hand in charge of a ranch.

encenegarse, encenagarse v. to wallow/sink in a swamp; to get covered with mud; to be given to vice.

encierro m. rounding up animals in corral; corral.

encono m. animosity, rancor.

encontronazo m. running into each other, unexpected encounter.

encorvado, a adj. bent over, stooped.

encuevado, a adj. hidden; quiet, reserved.

encunado, a adj. tossed on/between horns of bull; nestled (crib, in group).

endrino, a adj. dark blue.

energúmeno m. possessed person; violently angry person.

enfático, a adj. emphatic, assertive.

enfurruñarse v. to get angry/cross; to sulk.

engolfarse v. to get deeply involved in.

engranaje m. mechanism; cogs, gear assembly.

engreído, a adj. vain, conceited, stuck-up.

engreírse v. to be vain, proud, conceited.

engrillarse v. to lower head (animal); to get conceited; to get into debt.

engrosar v. to increase, make more numerous.

enguaralar v. to lasso or tie something with a rope (guaral).

enjabonada f. reprimanding someone, reproof, censure.

enjambre m. swarm; throng.

enjugar v. to dry, wipe off.

enjuto m. thin; arid.

enmohecerse v. to fall into disuse; to get covered in mold/rust.

enrejar v. to tie a calf or heifer to a leg of a cow to help with milking her.

enriscar v. to raise, rise up
—se to take refuge, hunker down, dig in.

ensalmador, a m./f. witch doctor.

ensañarse (con) v. to be cruel/brutal to.

enseñorear v. to dominate, tower over; to take control of.

ensoberbecerse v. to become arrogant, conceited; to get rough (sea).

entabanarse v. to be attacked by horse flies (tábanos); to dazzle, be blinded by.

entallado, a adj. fitted/tailored, narrow at the waist.

entaparado m. hidden matter, secret.

entelequia f. pipe dream, pie in the sky; actualization of form-giving cause.

entreveramiento m. intermixing, merging; getting mixed up in.

envalentonarse v. to be valient/defiant.

envarbascar see embarbascar

enviciar v. to corrupt; to distort.

envilecido, a adj. debased, degraded, vilified.

epopeya f. epic poem.

escabullirse v. to escape, slip away.

escarbar v. to scratch/rummage in.

escarceo m. trial foray.

escarmiento m. punishment, lesson.

escarnio m. derision, ridicule.

escoba amarga f. broom, scrub/shrub up to 2 m in height, yellow flowers.

escobar m. thicket of broom shrubs.

escobilleado, escobillado m. shuffling step, soft and quick, typical of some traditional dances.

escotero, a m./f. one who carries no load; unmarried person.

escrúpulo m. scruple, qualm.

escurrir v. to drain, drip, trickle
—se to slip away, run away;

esgrimir v. to brandish; to put forward; to fence/fight with sword.

esguazadero m., esguazada f. ford, river crossing, vado.

esguazar v. to ford a river/stream.

espadilla f. rudder like a large oar for steering small boats.

espaldería f. protecting/serving someone as a bodyguard.

espaldero m. bodyguard.

espantajo m. spectre; scarecrow; strange, unkempt person.

espeluznante adj. hair-raising, horrific.

esperanzado, a adj. hopeful, optimistic.

espolear v. to spur (a horse); to spur on.

esponjarse v. to puff oneself up vainly.

estampa f. image; look, aspect; scene.

estampar v. to sign/affirm; to stamp.

estentóreo, a adj. loud, thundering.

estera f. mat of straw, reeds, etc.

esterar v.to cover the floor of a dwelling with straw or reeds.

estero m. low, flat area of plains that floods during winter.

estertor m. death rattle; labored breathing.

estirada f. stretching out.

estorbar v. to hinder, get in the way of, interfere with.

estribo m. stirrup (saddle)
perder los —s to lose one’s head/temper, be impatient; to lose foothold in stirrups.

exangüe adj. bloodless; lifeless.

exento, a adj. exempt; independent of, without.

exigente adj. demanding, insistent, perfectionist.

extralimitarse v. to go beyond the bounds; to behave with daring.

extremar v. to carry to extremes; to do one’s utmost.

F [^Top]

facineroso, a m./f. habitual delinquent, miscreant.

faculto, a m./f. very capable person.

faja f. wide leather belt/sash.

fajarse v. to wrap, to bandage; to lay into someone.

falseta f. short rope to tie up horses; rein of rope that ties to muzzle.

falso m., — faldón saddle skirt (for horse), garra.

faltriquera f. garment pocket; pouch tied to belt.

fanfarronada f. braggadocio, empty boasting.

fara f. hairless tail; opossum, chucha.

faralá f. flounce, ruffle.

faramallero, a m./f. blusterer, blowhard.

farsa f. farse, sham; comic drama
— adelante interj. on with the show/farse!

fatídico, a adj. fateful, ominous.

faz f. face; surface.

fechoría f. misdeed, crime.

fehaciente adj. inescapable, inevitable (proof, evidence).

feudo m. exclusive domain; fiefdom.

ficha f. dangerous person; rogue
mala bad apple, rogue.

fiereza f. ferocity; inhumanity; twisted/fearsome aspect.

fiero, a adj. wild, fierce, cruel.

filo m. point/line dividing something in two parts
por precise, on point, sharp (time).

fino m. cebú bull, brahman, bull with adipose hump on its back.

flaquear v. to weaken, to give in, to lose heart.

flaqueza f. weakness, frailty.

fleco m. fringe; frayed edge.

florear v. to shake maracas hard; to flirt.

fogón m. kitchen; fired stove.

fogoso, a adj. fiery, spirited.

fondo m. caldron, big pot of iron or copper.

fosco, a adj. dark colored, near black.

fósforo m. chemical element (atomic # 15)
— de luz match.

fraguar v. to weave, plot, scheme.

franquearse v. to unburden, open one’s heart.

freno m. bit (of bridle).

friito, friíto, a adj. very cold.

frontino, a adj. having a mark/spot on the face (horse).

fruición f. pleasure, delight, enjoyment.

a — de adj. as a, in the way of.

fuero m. norm, law
por los —s de according to the dictates or customs of.

fuerte m. silver coin worth 5 bolívares (similar to Spanish duro).

fulgurante adj. shining, brilliant.

fuliginoso, a adj. sooty colored.

función f. spectacle.

funda f. holster, sheath.

fundación f. small cattle ranch with 300-1000 head.

fundo m. small farm/ranch with around 30 head of cattle.

fusta f. whip, crop.

fustán, fustaño m. stout cotton cloth with pile face, fustian .

fustanear v. using a whip to urge on a horse; to drive a person crazy with love.

fustanero m. plainsman/horseman who uses a whip to guide cattle/horses; fustian weaver.

fuste m. saddle frame; long thin rod or stick.

G [^Top]

gacetilla f. newspaper section for news items; news item.

galápago m. Galapagos tortoise; sidesaddle.

gallardía f. elegance, poise; gallantry.

gallera f. chicken coop; cockpit; cage; table for eating traditional chicken soup (sancocho).

gallito azul m. purple gallinule, medium-sized aquatic rail, about 30 cm in length.

gamelotal m. field of gamelote.

gamelote m. tall grass up to 5 m tall, native to hot regions, used as cattle feed.

gancho m. hook; stump of broken tree limb; work buddy
de adj. relating to arm (limb).

gandumba f. testicle.

ganga f. good deal, bargain.

garabato m. hooked wooden tool to grab cut vegetation or other things, or as hanger; scrawled writing.

garcero m. nesting place for herons.

garra f. leather saddle skirt, falso faldón.

garrafa, garrafón m./f. carafe with wide mouth.

garrapata f. tick (insect).

garrapatal m. place teeming with ticks.

garrasí m. traditional breeches worn by plainsmen: loose-fitting at thighs and buttoned just below the knee where two finial pieces hang down.

garrufío, gurrufío m. collar in form of ruffle; toy made of a disc with two holes through which a loop of string passes to make the disk rotate when held taut in the hands.

garza f. heron. long-legged bird living near the banks of rivers and wet areas
— azul blue heron, chusmita.

gatazo m. deception to take money
dar el/un to turn heads, look younger than actual age.

gaván, gabán m. plains stork, long-legged white bird about the size of a heron, but with thicker beak. Said to portend the future; part of a joropo festival.

gavilán primito m. sparrowhawk, used in falconry.

gavilla f. gang, bunch of ruffians.

gazapo m. linguistic error; offspring of rabbit.

goloso, a adj. gluttonous; hungry for.

golpe m. part of a joropo dance festival, sung with fairly free form (see pasaje).

gotero m. lasso thrown w/o twirling the rope.

grado m. grade, degree
en — 33 secretly, in confidence.

gravamen m. encumbrance placed on real estate or a water channel.

graznido m. caw, quack, honk.

greñudo, a adj. having hair dishelveled.

grey m. flock, herd.

grillo m. cricket.

grima f. disgust, bad feeling
dar to be disgusting/disagreeable
tener — a to feel disgust for.

gruñir v. to grunt, growl.

grupa f. rump (horse)
volver —s to turn away/back.

gruta f. cavern, grotto.

guá, gua interj. expresses fear or amazement.

guachafita f. din, hubbub.

guacharaca f. rufous-vented chachalaca, medium-sized turkey-like bird, grayish plumage, noisy; part (golpe) of a joropo dance.

guadua f. bamboo-like plant, woody stem, to 20 m height and 20 cm diameter, used in construction.

guaitacamino see aguaitacamino.

guapo, a adj. tough, masculine; good-looking.

guaral m. fishing line; cord, rope.

guardabastos m. leather saddle skirt (falso faldón, garra).

guaricha f. beautiful young woman.

guariqueño, a m./f. native of Guárico (district of Venezuela).

guarura f. sea shell used as a horn, sound carries long distances.

guasacaca f. salsa picante made with chiles.

guasón, a adj. using cutting irony.

guate, a m. pejorative term in the plains for Colobians and people from the Andes.

guayuquear v. to restrain an animal thrown to the ground by pulling its tail between its rear legs.

güesa f. small foot bone of animal.

güincheste m. winchester (rifle).

güira f. calabash tree, twisted tree to 5 m in height, whitish flowers, round gourd-like fruit used as containers, totumo.

guire m. small duck that sounds like its name, guirirí, güirirí.

güirirí, guirirí m. synonym for guire.

gurupera, grupera f. strap on back of saddle with an eyelet for the horse’s tail so the saddle doesn’t slide forward, baticola; pad behind saddle to hold travel bag/kit.

H [^Top]

habido p.p. obtained, gained.

hacendoso, a adj. hard-working, dedicated.

hacienda f. cattle herd belonging to a ranch; farm/ranch for raising cattle or for agriculture.

hallazgo m. discovery, something found.

haraposo, a adj. dressed in rags, harapiento.

hastiarse v. to cause repugnance or disgust.

hatajo m. shortcut, atajo; small herd of horses with mares and colts in the savanna.

hato m. large cattle ranch with more than 1000 head.

haz m. bundle, sheaf (cereals, wood, etc.); shaft of light.

hebra f. thread, strand (of fiber).

hecatombe m. sacrifice, slaughter; ancient Greek/Roman rite of sacrificing 100 oxen or cattle.

hechura f. tailoring, making, creating; craftmanship; form, shape.

hediondez f. mal olor, stench.

heredero m. heir, beneficiary.

herrado m. branding (cattle); p.p. of herrar.

herrar v. to brand cattle with a hot iron.

herrumbre m. rust; mold; ergot (rye fungus).

hidalguía f. nobility, generosity, chivalry.

higuerón m. guava tree, guayabo, tree in fig family up to 6 m high, sap used a purgative for intestinal parasites.

hijo de puya m. = hijo de puta.

hilar v. to separate the hairs from a horses mane to twist it and make halters.

hincar v. to injure oneself with a thorn; bow, bend at the knee.

hito m. milestone, landmark
mirar de — en to stare at, examine closely, look from one end to the other.

hoja f. pagina, page; leaf
suelta printed flyer, circular.

hombruno m. female acting like male.

a —s adj. seated with legs astride an animal.

horcón m. post.

horma f. mold or last (to form shoes, hats, etc.).

horqueta f. fork (tree, road); pitchfork; Y-shaped piece of wood to harvest latex.

horrura f. sticky mud; filth, dregs.

hucha f. piggy bank; money kept in piggy bank.

huella f. trace, sign; footprint
— de ganado cow track/trail.

humareda, humasera f. big, dense cloud or plume of smoke.

hurtar v. to rip off, take, pilfer; plagiarize; dodge.

I [^Top]

ictericia f. jaundice.

iguana f. iguana, whose eggs are favored by the plainsmen.

ijar m., ijada f. flank (of body).

ilusionado, a adj. excited, enthusiastic.

ilustración f. learning, education, erudition.

imperante adj. prevailing, dominant, reigning.

imperioso, a adj. commanding, with arrogant assurance.

impetrar v. to beg/request forcefully.

inconciliable adj. irreconcilable.

inconcluso, a adj. unfinished.

inconsciencia f. state of lacking (pangs of) conscience; state of not reflecting/using good judgment.

incruento, a adj. bloodless.

inefable adj. indescribable; unspeakable, taboo.

infamante adj. evil, disgraceful, causing shame or infamy.

íngrimo, a adj. solitary, abandoned.

iniquidad f. iniquity, gross injustice.

injerencia f. sticking one’s nose in.

inmancable adj. infallible, untouchable.

instrumento mayor m. melodic instrument.

intempestivo, a adj. untimely, inopportune.

intención f. intention; maliciousness.

ínterin m. interim.

interpelar v. to interrogate, question.

inusitado, a adj. uncommon, unusual.

invertir v. to spend, to take time; to invest.

irrisorio, a adj. tiny, laughable.

irrumpir v. to burst into.

J [^Top]

jabalí m. wild pig, boar.

jabillo m. sandbox tree, possumwood, spiny tree to 50 meters in height, explosive seed pods, wood soft and fibrous, water resistent, used to build canoes.

jacheado, a adj. strong, tenacious.

jachuela, hachuela f. small blade/sharp point.

jactancioso, a adj. boastful, bragging.

jagüey m. small spring-fed pool; pool/ditch filled with water.

jalao, adj. drunk.

jalar = halar.

jallé = hallé, met, found.

jamuga f. packsaddle; riding saddle.

jarillo m. snakeshead, wild arum, lords and ladies, woodland plant to 50 cm high, purple spotted leaves, edible starchy tuber, poisonous berries follow flower in spathe.

jarisar m. growth of snakeshead, jarillo.

jarizal, jarrizal m. place where white mangrove (jarizo) grows.

jarizo m. iporuru, white mangrove, shrubby wetland tree, to 3 m in height, wood used as floats for fishing nets, bark extract used as anti-inflamatory.

jarra f. container with wide mouth and neck and two handles
en —s adj. with arms akimbo.

jartarse = hartarse v. to get tired of, fed up with, bored with.

jarto, a = harto adj. very full; drunk.

jedentina f. = hediondez, stench.

jeder v. = heder to stink; to piss off.

jediondez = hediondez.

jeringar v. to bother, bug, disturb; to trash.

jierro m. = hierro knife, machete.

jinetear v. to ride a horse.

jipato, a adj. of olive, greenish yellow color; pale, anemic .

jiro m. black rooster with yellow wings, giro.

joba f. yellow mombin or hog plum, fruit of jobo, pleasant cherry-like flavor.

jobo montañero m. yellow mombin or hog plum, deciduous tree, to 20 m height, corky bark, fruits 4 cm, yellow, cherry-like flavor.

jochar = ajochar v. to pressure, beseige
no joche interj. you don’t say!.

jojoto m. immature cob of corn.

jornada f. one-day’s travel by horse back.

joropazo m. big party featuring a joropo.

joropiar v. to go out on the town; to bother.

joropo m. plains fiesta; traditional national dance of Venezuela; music featured in the fiesta. Typical parts (golpes ) of the dance festival include: Quirpa, Zumba que zumba, Periquera, Gabán, San Rafael, Chipola, Pajarillo, Seis por derecho, Catira, Merecure , Cunavichero , Guacharaca , Diamante, Carnaval, Camaguán, Nuevo callao, Seis numerao, Sapo, Perro de agua, Mamonal, Cimarrón, and Caracolitos.

jota f. iota; name of the letter “j”.

juera = hubiera; fuera.

juez m. judge, magistrate
— de instrucción administrative judge who documents facts and circumstances in preparation for criminal proceedings.

no juegue interj. you don’t say!

juma f. drunken fling; drunkenness.

jurungar v. to dig/look into, poke around.

juzgado m. court, courtroom, office of judge.

L [^Top]

lagartija f. small lizard/reptile; employee who asks for money.

lagarto m. reptile; busybody, meddler.

laguna f. swamp.

lambedero m. cattle lick, place with salty earth sought out by cattle.

lambido, a adj. cheeky, rude, impudent.

lanza f. dagger, knife.

largueza f. liberalism, generosity; moral virtue.

lastre m. ballast, dead weight
en adj. loaded with ballast instead of useful cargo (e.g., boat).

lata f. tin, can; batten to fasten roof
dar to talk a lot, bother.

latrocinio m. theft, robbery.

lavagallos m. bad rum, rotgut, moonshine.

lebruno, a adj. having a dark cream color
m./f. cattle with a cream color.

lechada f. whitewash (paint).

lechuza f. owl.

leco m. shout/cry uttered to be heard far away.

legajo m. file, dossier.

legua f. league; distance covered in one hour at a normal pace.

león m. puma.

leucemia f. leukemia.

levantar v. to uncover.

levante m. cattle drive for round-up.

levao m. mark/tag in cow’s ear.

limo m. slime, slippery mud, slip.

limpio, a adj. poor, broke.

lindero m. marked border dividing land.

linfa f. agua
—s (poet.) tears.

liquiliquí, liquiliqui m. typical plainsman’s suit of linen, light color, with breeches and jacket with pockets.

liso, a adj. shameless, daring, insolent; plain, flat, smooth.

lisonja f. adulation, flattery.

lisonjero, a adj. pleasing; flattering.

listado, a adj. banded, striped; in list form.

liviano, a adj. light; frivolous.

llameante adj. flaming.

llanero, a m./f. resident of eastern plains
adj. related to plains.

llora f. funeral wake.

llorar v. to bawl/bellow (cattle) while milling about in a spot where a cow was sacrificed.

llorona f. hired mourner; specter of wailing woman.

locha f. coin of nickel worth 1/8 of a bolívar.

locho, a m./f. mountain deer/stag.

lontananza f. vanishing point of painting, most distant part.

loro m. deep red parrot; chatterbox.

lote m. lot/group of animals; plot of land.

lunático, a adj. paranoid, crazy.

luz f. light
darle a uno unas —ces to give someone hints; to show someone the way.

M [^Top]

macanilla, macana f. peach palm, tree to 25 m, durable and flexible wood used to weapons and construction, cultivated for fruit, maracaibo.

macetazo m. blow (to head) with cudgel.

macho m. mule, offspring of mare and donkey; manly.

macilento, a adj. pale, gaunt.

macolla, macoya f. bunch, cluster, sheaf.

macundales m.(pl) personal objects, belongings, odds and ends.

macundos m.(pl) gear, personal effects.

madrevieja f. old river bed/channel, sometimes with standing water.

madriguera f. animal cave/den.

madrina f. group/bunch of horses.

madrinero m. animal leading cattle herd.

mae = madre.

majada f. main corral to hold cattle at night; manure fertilizer.

majadear v. to hold a flock/herd of animals corralled overnight.

mal de los siete días m. diarrhea that can kill new-borns in seven days.

malhaya interj. damn, damn him.

malicia f. astuteness, shrewdness, good sense; suspicion; malice, maliciousness.

maliciar v. to suspect.

maluco, a adj. evil/wicked (person); junky (object); disgusting (food).

mamanto m. nursing of calves.

mampuesto m. defensive position, parapet
por/de from cover.

manar v. to spring, to run (liquid, water).

manazas m. dense person, clumsy with hands.

mancar v. to maim/injure hand or other limb; o fail to do something.

mancha (de ganado) f. gathering of cattle used to grazing in given place.

mancilla f. stain, blemish; pity, compassion.

mancornao adj. animal with head bent under leg.

mancornar v. to secure a steer by the horns, putting a foot over the horn on the same side after throwing the animal.

mandador m. whip with wooden handle.

mandato m. order, command, mandate.

manea f. hobble, piece of rope about 80 cm long with short stick at one end and eyelet at other to tie/hobble the legs of a horse when fastened in a loop, maniota.

manear v. to tie hands and feet.

manga f. passageway between two stockade walls to guide cattle to a corral.

mango m. mango tree; corazón.

manguarear v. to dawdle, loaf on the job.

manirito m. tropical fruit tree and its fruit, like the chirimoya, custard apple, sweetsop.

mano f. hand, shortened word for «hermano»
traer entre —s to be concerned about, have in mind; to be responsible for.

manotear v. to steal, to cheat out of; to touch with hand or foot (animal); to gesture while talking.

manta f. manta ray (fish); ruana, poncho made of wool or canvas.

maña f. knack, skill; deception, con.

mañoso, a adj. unfriendly, obstinate; clever; crafty, suspicious.

mapora f. royal palm, tall, slender palm tree.

maraca f. musical instrument made of small gourd with seeds/rattles inside
regarse como fruta de to disperse cattle in the savanna like the seeds of a maraca when the gourd breaks by shaking too hard.

maraquero m. maracas player.

marimacho m. woman with male aspect, mannerisms, and attitudes.

marmoleado, a adj. black and white colored (animals).

marota f. male-like woman, marimacho.

marrajería f. clever con/fraud and attempt to conceal it.

marrajo, a adj. wary, clever, hard to scam; like a bull that cleverly goes on the attack.

marrano, a m./f. pig.

mas he aquí que conj. see aquí.

mascada f. wad of snuff (tobacco) to chew.

mastrantal m. area where mastranto grows.

mastranto m. bush lippia, guinea mint, aromatic shrub, 1.5 m in height, pleasant odor, used as spice and medicinally.

matadero m. slaughterhouse (cattle).

matadura f. abrasion sore from straps on work animals.

matalón, a adj. old worn-out horse, feeble and with sores from working.

mautaje m. group/herd of yearling calves (see maute).

maute m. yearling calf, 1-2 years old.

mayordomear v. to commit petty theft/pilfering (by mayordomo from patron).

médano m. sand dune.

medianería f. fence in common on the border between two ranches.

melao frontino m. light chestnut horse or cow with a white face.

menesteres m.(pl) needs, necessities; regular duties.

menguar v. to lessen, decrease, diminish.

menos mal conj. just as well; thank God.

menoscabo m. reduction, loss; damage.

menudeo m. crowing at dawn (rooster); selling at retail.

merecure m. licania pyrifolia, very leafy deep-rooted shade tree, 10-15 m high, strong wood used in furniture, large starchy edible fruits; part (golpe) of joropo festival.

merodear v. to roam about; to maraud (often with bad intentions).

mesar v. to pull at one’s hair or beard.

miaja, miajita, migaja f., small bit of something.

mira f. gun sight; view; intention.

misantropía f. hatred or distrust of humankind.

mixtificación = mistificación f. obscuring, shrouding in mystery.

mocho, a adj. bald; having hair cut short.

modisto, a m./f. person who makes clothing.

modorra f. drowsiness; staggers (animals).

mogollón m. fuss, row, confusion; shit load
hacerse el to do something stupid, bring problems on oneself.

mogote m. small flat-topped hill; heap, pile.

mohoso, a adj. moldy; rusty.

mojiganga f. farse, short comic piece making fun of SO; masquerade party.

moldear v. to mold.

mole m. hulk, bulk, mass
adj. soft, comfortable.

mollejón m. millstone, grindstone.

moloch m. Canaanite god related to child sacrifice (from Bible).

monear palos v. to climb a tree like a monkey.

montaña, montañuela f. zone with forests of trees and shrubs in the plains.

morador, a m./f. inhabitant, resident.

morigerado, a adj. moderate, modest, with good manners.

morocota f. 20 dollar gold piece.

mostrenco, a adj. wild, without brand, owner, or stable, cimarrón.

mucura, múcura f. earthen jar in form of amphora to hold water.

mucuritas battleground, January 28, 1817 General José Antonio Páez vanquished General Realista Miguel de la Torre y his army of 1,100 Hussars.

mugido m. mooing, bellowing (cow).

a adj. sitting sidesaddle.

mujerío m. large group of women.

mujerona f. mannish woman; woman of great stature, strength, and courage.

murciélago m. bat (mammal).

musiú m. foreign white guy (from the French word “monsieur”).

N [^Top]

nacido m. bump/lump on head from blow or infected follicle.

nación f.
de by birth.

naco m. plug of tobacco; mashed potatoes; cooked corn.

naiden = nadie.

naricear, nariciar v. to perforate cow’s nose so it can be tied; to tie a cow with a rope threaded through an opening in its nose.

nefato, a adj. dumbfounded; naïve, dim.

negro m. hand, worker, colleague.

neto, a adj. clear, well-defined; amount or payment after expenses, taxes, etc..

nidal m. egg left in a nest so hens keep laying.

nidao m. number of eggs found in a nest.

nigua f. chigger, flea-like insect.

nona f. the last of four parts of the day (Roman), from mid-afternoon to sunset
la hora es interj. the hour is late.

novillo m. steer 2-3 years old.

Ñ [^Top]

ñaragato m. cat’s claw, uña de gato, a woody vine with claw-shaped thorns, used as an alternative medicine.

ño, a m./f. señor, señora.

O [^Top]

obsequio m. reward; gift.

ocaso m. sunset; twilight.

ocurrencia f. idea/thought crossing mind; witty remark; occurrence, event.

ofrecer v. to promise; to volunteer; to offer.

oiga interj. a word repeated over and over to calm an animal.

ojeo m. beating the bush to drive animals to a corral or place where they can be roped.

ojeriza f. dislike, ill will, antipathy.

ojo m. eye
—s que te vieron, paloma turca interj. phrase for the sudden departure of SO, like he’s taken off!, he’s out of here!, he’s gone for good.

onza f. leopard, panther.

ordeñador, a m./f. one who milks cows; milking machine/apparatus.

ordeñar v. to milk a cow.

ordeño m. milking.

orejano, a adj. unbranded, ownerless (cattle); wild, easily frightened.

oriundo, a adj. native, originally from.

orto m. rising/appearance of the sun or other heavenly body above the horizon.

osa f. piece of meat taken from the jowl of a steer, including the tongue.

osamenta f. skeleton, bones of skeleton; pile of bones.

osar v. to dare; to venture.

P [^Top]

pacotilla f. shoddy merchandise, stuff; rabble, crowd.

padrote m. stud stallion; breeding bull.

pae = padre.

pajonal m. scrubland, area of savanna with wild vegetation about 1 m high.

pajuato m. dumb/slow person,simpleton, fool.

paladar m. palate; good taste

palanca f. long strong pole to push a canoe.

palanquear v. to use leverage to move something.

palanquero m. boatman who poles a boat.

palante = para adelante.

palenque m. stockade, palisade; ring, arena.

paletada f. shovelful.

palizada f. palisade, fenced enclosure with posts and barbed wire.

palmatoria f. candlestick with handle and plate-like base.

palmotear v. to clap; to pat on the back.

palo, palito m. tree; pole, staff
tomarse o pegarse un to have a drink.

paloapique m. stockade, stake fence with posts very close together.

palodeagua f. water mangrove, riparian tree reaching 20 m in height, with prop roots and fragrant flowers.

paloma f. dove
— turca white-tipped dove.

palomita f.
pedir una to invite SO to dance; to break into a couple already dancing.

palustre adj. relating to a marsh/swamp.

paneta f. stern area of boat.

paño (de sabana) m. piece/area of savanna.

papelón m. sugar syrup jelled in long cone.

parada f. stop; parade; bid/bet in card game
tirar la to bear the burden, take the bet, run the risk.

paradero m. cleared area in savanna where cattle gather to rest.

paraguatán m. prized tree harvested for furniture lumber and bark producing a red dye.

paraje m. location, setting; expanse.

parapara f. offspring of cattle; fruit of paraparo tree.

paraparo m. western soapberry tree, small to medium-sized deciduous tree to 6 m in height, small white flowers, golden fruit.

paraulata f. thrush, gray, white, and brown plumed bird about 25 cm long.

parco, a adj. frugal, sparing, moderate.

parear v.to pair up; to even up; to mate.

parecer m. idea/concept of something, opinion; physical appearance
del of similar mind/opinion.

parpadear v. to blink eyes; to flicker/flutter as flame/light.

parranda f. spree, group bash.

parte f. communication
dar to notify.

partida (del registro) f. certificate (of birth).

partido m. benefit, advantage, convenience
sacar to get benefit/use/advantage from.

pasaje m. anecdotal story; part/mode of joropo (see golpe).

pasearse (por) v. to review/consider/keep in mind.

paso m. step; passage; progress
salirle a ALGN al to go against, to go awry, to be cut short.

pastoreo m. shepherding; priest tending flock.

pataruco m. coward.

patiquín m. fop, dandy, vain person.

patrón m. captain in charge of boat/canoe.

pecuario, a adj. relating to livestock.

peine m. aparatus that arms some traps; comb
poner un to set a trap.

peladero m. fallow terrain, place without vegetation.

pelado, a adj. blank, expressionless; having short hair or bald; poor, w/o resources.

pelambre m. hair, beard.

pelar v. to fail; to miss (with pistol shot).

peliagudo, a adj. tricky, difficult.

pelito m. hair’s breadth, tiny amount
faltar/sobrar un to miss by a hair’s breadth.

pelo m. hair, fur
a caballo en bareback
— ‘e negro/blanco hair of a black/white person.

pelodeguama f. hat made of velvety/fine felt.

pendejo m. idiot, jerk.

peonada f. day’s work; squad/group of workers.

pepita f. seed; nugget (gold)
tener s en la lengua hablar muy poco.

percance m. injury, mishap, setback.

percusio m. dirty unkempt person; person of low class.

perder v. to lose
— los libros to forget one’s lessons/experience; to lose track/account, to lose control of a situation.

perico m. parakeet, small parrot about 25 cm.

perniabierto, a adj. with legs apart.

perolita f. can; can of beer.

perorata f. long-winded speech, harangue.

pescuezo m. neck of animal (or human).

petulancia f. vanity, petulance.

pezuña f. hoof.

piara f. group/herd of ranch animals.

piazo = pedazo.

pica f. well-worn cow/animal path in the savanna.

picada f. trail through dense woods.

picapleitos m. one who sues at the drop of a hat, pettifogger, low-class lawyer.

picar (el ganado) v. to herd (cattle).

pichagua f. globular fruit of the pichagüero or calabash tree, tough outer skin and sectioned to make cups, plates, etc.

pichagüero, güira m., calabash tree, tropical tree to 5 m in height, twisted trunk, gourd-like fruits used as containers, plates, etc.

pillería f. mischief.

piltrafa f. skinny runt; remains.

pingüe adj. rich, profitable; abundant.

pique m. narrow path
ir por || to be herded, to be kept in line.

pista f. clue, trail; dedicated area/space (dance floor, tennis court, etc.).

pito m. whistle
a/entre —s y flautas one way or another.

planta (de peón) f. sole of foot.

plañidero, a adj. mournful, plaintive.

plumafuente f. fountain pen.

pocillo m. cup, mug.

polaina f. spat, gaiter, legging.

ponderativo, a adj. exaggerating; praising excessively; pondering.

porsiacaso m. saddlebag, back pack.

portarse v. to behave, be good.

pos adv. (combined form)
en la — de after, following; in pursuit of, in search of.

postergar v. to put off/aside, to relegate; to postpone.

potencia f. power, authority
de — a as equals, as sovereign authorities.

pozo m. hole; well; deep spot in river to swim; pothole.

prensar v. to press.

presente adj. present/current; being physically present/before one
mejorando lo present company excepted, present company considered better than/above that (courtesy).

presidio m. prison.

pretina f. belt, strap around waist; waist band of garment; closure of women’s underwear w/o fly; leather collar for draft animals with pack saddle.

prima f. first string (finest and sharpest) of various musical instruments.

pringoso, a adj. greasy.

pringue m. grease.

prohombre m. great man, leader.

propio m. messenger.

proporción f. proportion, correspondence; size, scope; opportunity
ponerse en to come to an agreement, to have meeting of minds.

prorrumpir v. to break out in (~tears); to burst forth.

puente m. bridge
tenderse un to get ready to change one’s mind.

pulpería f. general store with tavern/bar.

pulpero m. general store shop keeper/owner.

punta f. given number of head of cattle, herd.

puntear v. to strum/play guitar.

puntero m. peón que guía una punta de ganado.

puño m. cuff (shirt or trouser), garter.

pusana f. love potion.

puyón m. type of mosquito; bite of insect.

Q [^Top]

quebrao adj. with a hernia.

quehacer m. work, task, chore; trouble, effort.

querella f. complaint; dispute.

querencia f. lair, haunt, home.

querer misa v. to want a funeral mass, have a death wish; cross the line, do something really dumb/inappropriate.

querevere m. small tree with rose-colored seeds with which the Indians of Apure and Guayana make flour/bread.

querido m. husband; lover.

quesera f. site for cheese-making; cow whose milk is used for cheese-making.

Queseras del Medio battle in Venezuela’s fight for independence at Apure April 2, 1819. General Páez defeated General Morillo using the cavalry tactic, “volver cara al enemigo” — feigning retreat and turning about to fight.

quién quita interj. it might well have been, why not.

quijada f. wooden crusher to extract juice from sugar cane; jawbone.

quijotada f. venture appropriate to Don Quijote (Cervantes).

R [^Top]

rabotear v. to beg by wagging tail (dog).

rábula f. incompetent lawyer, charlatan, shyster.

racha f. gust of wind
a —s in gusts.

racional adj. white, Christian (Indians are “irracional”).

rajarse v. to split, crack.

ramalazo m. fit; streak/trace; downpour.

rancho m. house; cabin,shanty.

rapacidad f. covetousness, rapaciousness.

rapiña f. robbery, theft, exploitation.

rasca f. drunken binge.

rasgarse v. to die.

rasgueo m. strumming.

rastra f. load transported by dragging.

rastrero, a adj. mean, despicable; low, trailing.

rastro m. trace.

rastrojo m. terrain lying fallow, field given over to weeds.

raudal m. torrent, flood; wet swampy zone in plains.

raya f. ray, skate (fish); boundary between nations, districts, etc.

rayar v. to punish with whip; to open (frond of palm tree); to break dawn.

razonador, a m./f. rational one, one who relies on reason.

re, rete, requete adj/adv. very, used as prefixes with adjectives/adverbs to intensify their meaning — e.g., resabio, retebueno, requetebién.

rebalse m. backwater.

rebatirse v. to refute, contradict.

rebotar v. to ricochet, bounce off.

rebuenamoza, retebuena moza f. very nice/lovely girl.

rebullir v. to stir, begin to move.

rebullón m. bird of bad omen whose flight portends tragedy.

rebuzno m. braying, hee-haw.

recadero m. delivery boy, messenger.

recapacitar v. to (re)think things through.

recelar v. to suspect, fear; to suppose, imagine.

recelo m. fear, suspicion.

recinto m. enclosure, grounds, precinct.

recio, a adj. strong, robust, vigorous
canto corrido, song in joropo festival.

recogedor, a m./f. one who harvests; equipment for harvesting or collecting trash.

recolecta f. harvest, gathering (things).

recóndito, a adj. hidden, secret.

recordarse v. to awaken.

recortado m. sawed-off shotgun.

redentor, a m./f. redeemer.

reducir v. to subdue/get control of.

refrenada f. slowing/stopping a horse using the bit of its bridle.

regañar v. to scold, reprimand; to quarrel.

regaño m. reprimand, scolding.

regarse v. to spill, knock over
— como fruta de maraca to disperse or spread out (e.g., cattle in the savanna) like seeds from a broken maraca.

regatear v. to haggle, to wrangle, to bargain.

registrar v. to search, inspect; to register, record; to notice.

reivindicatorio, a adj. demanding or recovering something to which one is entitled; vindicating.

rejo m. strap of twisted leather; short rope to tie calf to a cow.

relente m. moisture/dew.

relincho m. neigh, whinny, cry (horse).

remachado, a adj. clinched tightly.

remanso m. backwater, pool, quiet place.

remilgado, a adj. prudish; finicky.

remonta f. backup/substitute horse.

remontado m. rider with horse; resoling shoes.

remontar v. to navigate upriver; to overcome.

renguear, renquear v. to limp, hobble.

renuente adj. reluctant, unwilling, difficult.

reparar v. to see, be aware of, realize; to repair, restore; to make good.

reparto m. sharing, parceling out.

repechada f. blow/bump given with chest.

repisa f. shelf, ledge; mantelpiece.

reponer v. to recover/restore (health).

reprimenda f. reprimand.

requiebro m. flirtatious remark, flirtation.

resarcir v. to compensate, to get even.

reseda f. mignonette, aromatic annual herb with yellow flowers, to 50 cm tall.

resedal m. garden area with mignonette (reseda) plants.

resentido, a adj. hurt, resentful.

resol m. glare/reflection of the sun.

resollar v. to pant, breathe heavily.

resoplido m. snort, heavy breathing.

resuello m. respiration; breath, gasp.

retaco, a adj. round, chubby, and short.

reticencia f. sarcasm; reticence, reserve.

retoño m. shoot, bud (plant); offspring, scion.

retostado, a adj. darkened (by heat).

retozar v. to be playful, jump about.

retozo m. frolic, celebration for joy.

retozón, a adj. frolicsome, playful.

revestirse v. to take on, summon up; to put on vestments.

revolotear v. to flutter, fly around.

rezongar v. to grumble, growl; scold.

ribazo m. bank (road, river), fall-off, slope.

rijoso, a adj. horny.

rincón m. narrow point of a ravine in the savanna.

rocería f. slash and burn of a forest.

roche m. female chigger (mite larva), nigua.

rochela f. round-up/herd of rowdy cattle; area where they gather; rowdy party.

rocheliar v. to kick up heels.

rodeo m. round-up/herd of cattle.

rogar v. to request, ask, beg
hacerse to wait to be asked/begged, play hard to get.

romper v. to break
— el saco to ruin things, go too far (e.g., through greed).

ronquido m. snoring sound.

rucio, a adj. of whitish color (horse)
— mosqueado dappled white, having small dark spots (horse).

ruedo m. ring, pit (for cockfighting, bullfighting).

rugiente adj. growling, howling, roaring.

rugoso, a adj. rough, wrinkled.

rumazón m. bank (of clouds).

rumbear v. to head for, to move in the direction of.

runfla, runflada f. (fig) crowd, heap, lot.

rutilante adj. shining, brilliant.

S [^Top]

sabana f. savanna.

sabanear, sabaniar v. to roam the savanna looking after cattle.

sabanero m. uncultured, uneducated rustic farmer
—, a adj. living on the savanna.

saburroso, a adj. having a coated tongue.

sacar v. to take out, remove
— ganado para vender to remove fattened cattle for sale.

saladillo m. caraipa, orinoco mahogany, signature evergreen tree of the plains, to 20 m high, flood resistant, fast growing, and with a beautiful red hard wood used for construction, canoes, and furniture.

salcochar v. to cook food using only water and salt.

salenco, a adj. weak, uneven
—, a m./f. weak, frail cow.

saltanejas f.(pl) ruts and potholes in terrain resulting from passing animals or cars.

saltico m. little while.

salvar v. to cover/cross (ground); to save/salvage; to overcome.

samán m. monkey-pod, rain tree, large tree to 60 m high and 80 m wide, globe-like flowers with crimson stamens, and seed pods that are eaten by cattle.

sangre f. blood
hacer to be likeable, agreeable.

sarrapia, sarapia f. yape, abundant tree to 30 m high, wood used in carpentry and furniture, aromatic fruits protect clothing against moths, seeds (tonka beans) used in perfumery and as a flavoring extract.

sarrapiero, sarapiero m. person who harvests the sarrapia/ sarapia.

sátira f. satire.

sato, a adj. small, yappy, roaming (dog); stupid, low-class.

seca f. stroke caused by blood clot.

semental m. stud, stallion.

sentenciar v. to issue a judgment, pronounce a sentence.

señero, a adj. outstanding; alone, solitary.

sesgado, a adj. oblique, on an angle; biased.

sesteadero, sesteador m. shady resting place.

sestear v. to take a siesta, have a nap.

sí señor adj. proper, polite, obedient.

sideración f. fertilizing land by plowing under a cover crop; sudden apparent loss of vital function from shock, trauma, stroke, etc..

silbar v. to whistle; to boo, hiss
— iguanas to make a soft whistling sound to hunt iguanas; (fig) to distract oneself from worries by whistling.

sobar v. to knead; to grope; to feel/squeeze (fruit).

soberao m. attic.

socarrón, a adj. sarcastic, wry, sly.

soflama f. blushing, reddening.

soga f. long rope/lasso of twisted leather.

soguero m. hand for hire with rope; cowboy expert at roping cattle/horses; one who makes or sells ropes.

soledad f. empty space, lonely place; solitude, loneliness.

sollamado, a adj. burnt, toasted.

sollozar v. to sob.

sonsacar v. to wheedle, pump for information; to pirate (employee).

soportal m. portico, colonade, veranda, corredor.

sortija f. ring (finger).

sostenedor, a adj. guarding cattle herded together.

sotavento m. leeward (wind), (see barlovento).

sudadero , suadero m. saddle blanket, (see sufridor).

suelta f. hobble (rope) tying a horse’s front leg to a hind leg.

sufridor m., saddle blanket, sudadero; one who suffers and is resigned/tolerant.

sujetador, a m./f. cowboy/horseman who rounds up and quiets cattle.

sujeto m. short rope tied to a post to control an animal, (see rejo).

sumario m. legal brief.

sumidad f. innermost recess, nothingness.

superchería f. false belief, superstition; deception, fraud.

supiritar, suspiritar, supeditar v. to subordinate; to depend on; to subdue.

surtir v. to sprout, bring forth; to supply, provide with.

susceptibilidad f. susceptibility; sensitivity.

T [^Top]

taba f. small foot/ankle bone of animals, güesa; kids’ game of jacks.

tabaco m. tobacco; snuff; cigarette.

tábano m. horsefly; cattle prod.

tabardillo m. typhus.

tabique m. thin wall/partition between rooms.

tabla f. flat part; plank, board
— del pescuezo flat side of animal’s neck.

taimado, a adj. sly, crafty; sullen.

taita m. father; uncle.

tajo m. cut, slash; sheer drop.

tala f. cut vegetation; felling trees; razing.

talar v. to cut/fell trees.

talisayo m. fighting rooster with yellow feathers on the wings and black on the breast.

talludo, a adj. lanky, tall; leathery; given to habits (often bad).

talud m. slope; bank, fall-off.

tapa f. small pond in plains used as watering hold for cattle.

tapaojos m. piece of material to cover cattle eyes.

tapara f. gourd-like fruit of the totumo tree, when dry and cleaned used as a liquid container/vessel.

taparo m. calabash tree, totumo, güira; container made from the gourd-like fruit; (fig) brutish, crude, “es más bruto que un taparo”.

tapiz m. dam to hold flowing water in a drinking hole for cattle.

tapujo m. deceit, subterfuge, beating around the bush
andar con —s to beat around the bush, cover things up.

tara f. small black heron; blemish; tare weight; hereditary mental retardation.

tarama f. hilt of saber; wood chips.

tarascada f. bite, injury; tart/biting reply.

tarascazo m. bite (dog).

tarasquiar, tarasquear v. to bite.

tarja f. tool to keep account of credit sales, cattle branding, etc. by recorded marks on a stick or piece of leather.

tarraya, atarraya f. round fishing net thrown by hand.

tarrayazo m. haul/catch from a throw of a net, tarraya.

tartajoso, a adj. given to stuttering.

tartamudear v. to stutter.

tartamudeo m. stuttering, stammering.

tasajera f. raised platform for drying cuts of meat.

tasajo m. piece of meat salted, smoked, dried to preserve it, jerky.

techumbre m. roof structure.

telar m. tool/fixture to make sandals.

temblador, a m./f. electric eel; Quaker.

tembladores m.(pl) rib bones, rib meat.

temerario, a adj. reckless, foolhardy.

temeridad f. recklessness, rashness.

templarse v. to pass away; to leave without notice.

terciar v. to sling/carry on one’s back.

tercio m. each of the verses in a copla (joropo); 50 kg bundle
conocer muy bien su to know one’s singing part well.

tereca f. old, homemade saddle.

terronera f. very rough, rutted ground; premonitory terror.

tesonero, a adj. tenacious, persistent.

testuz m. nape of neck (bull); forehead of horse.

tesura f. tightness, tautness.

tetanizar v. to act as if one had tetanus (cramps, stiffness).

tiernito, a adj. naïve.

tigre m. common name for jaguar.

timorato, a adj. shy, timid.

tiñoso, a adj. mangy (ringworm); wretched.

tirada f. herding, loading.

tirante adj. tense; close to the breaking point (friendship).

tiro m. deception; artifice, ruse
—s harness, straps (for horse).

tocante a prep. with respect to, referring to.

tocar v. to touch; to play; to be one’s turn

toitico, toditico, a adj., absolutely everything.

toletazo m. blow/swipe with crop/whip.

tolvanera f. dust devil, whirlwind of dust.

tonada f. popular song/music; singing.

topacho m. capsizing; losing one’s marbles.

topia f. cooking stones/supports in triangular configuration over wood fire.

topo m. seeing a bet in a gamble with dice.

topochal m. plaintain/banana farm.

topocho m. plaintain, banana.

toque m. finishing touch.

torvo, a adj. terrible, fearsome.

totuma f. container made from the gourd-like fruit of the calabash tree for domestic use, totumo, güira, pichagua, botijón.

totumo m. calabash tree, to 5 m high, gourd-like fruits used for containers, güira.

trácala f. artifice, trick, ruse.

tragaleguas m./f. person who walks fast and long distances
tragaleguas adj. walking fast.

trajinar v. to bustle about, keep on the move.

trambucarse v. to be shipwrecked; to go out of one’s mind, lose one’s marbles.

trampa f. underhanded circumvention of the law; trap; trick; ruse.

tranquero m. gate with horizontal wood members in a pasture fence, corral.

transarse v. to reach a compromise commercial agreement.

trasegar v. to decant a liquid from one container to another.

trasnochar v. to pursue wandering horses through the night to herd them back to a corral, brujear; to spend much of the night without sleep.

trastabillear, trastabillar v. to stagger.

trebejo m. utensil, device; chess piece.

tregua f. truce, ceasefire; break
dar to make a truce, give a break.

tremedal m. soft, quicksand-like bog.

trino m. trill.

tripa f. intestine, visceras
hacer de —s corazón to strive to cover up fear, put on a good front, suck it up.

trocar v. to exchange, swap, barter
—se to become, turn (into).

trocha f. trot (horse); (narrow) path, shortcut.

troj m. granary divided into sections by partitions, and built atop an elevated platform of beams.

troja f. granary, barn, troj; knapsack, backpack.

troje m. granary, barn, troj.

tromba f. twister/whirlwind of earth/dust, waterspout.

trompada f. hard bump, push.

tronchar v. to lop off, fell, split; to cut short.

tropiezo m. obstacle; blunder, faux pas; quarrel.

trozar v. to cut up, split in pieces.

trunco, a adj. truncated, incomplete.

tufarada f. strong disagreeable smell/stench.

tufo m. fume (gas); stink, stench.

tumbar v. to knock down/out; to bump off
— y capar to attack first and decisively, by surprise, take no prisioners.

turpial m. oriole, to 24 cm in length, brilliant black and orange-yellow feathers, melodic song, national bird of Venezuela.

tusa f. interior of corn cob (no kernels).

tusero m. corn crib/storage
bailar en un to be in a tight spot, have to walk on egg shells, tread carefully.

tutela f. guardianship, protection, auspices.

U [^Top]

ubre m. teat, udder.

ulular v. to howl, to cry.

umbral m. threshold (door); outset.

umjú, unjú interj. to express agreement, yeah; to express doubt, oh yeah?.

urdir v. to weave, plot, scheme.

urna f. v. coffin, casket; urn
enterrar con — blanca to bury SO in a white coffin, i.e., with honors, often used sarcastically to mean “not really merited”.

uste = usted.

uvero m. seagrape, coastal tree to 15 m, leafy, wind and salt tolerant, purplish edible fruit.

V [^Top]

vado m. river ford; way out, solution.

vaina f. universal word for “stuff”; sheath for knife, holster for revolver; pod for legume.

vajear, vahear v. to stupefy/drug with breath; to charm SO, compel.

vale m. comrade, friend, buddy.

valido m. favored person who exercises the power of a higher authority.

valla f. stake fence; material or moral obstacle.

vao = vado.

vaquería f. round-up and branding of cattle in a communal savanna.

vaquero m. cowboy, plainsman, caballicero.

vara f. long thin pole/rod; measure of distance
— en tierra canopy/arbor of branches sloping to the ground.

vaticinar v. to predict, foretell.

vega f. bottomland at the edge of a river; farm on such low flat land.

veguero m. plainsman; farmer who works a bottomland farm (vega); rustic cigar rolled from a single tobacco leaf
—, a adj. related to bottomland, rustic country.

vejamen m. vexation; satire, humiliation.

veladero m. observation point to keep a watch on cattle and wild horses; keeping an eye on cattle.

velar v. to stay awake through the night to keep an eye on cattle so they don’t stampede; to beg for food with eye gestures from people eating; to light candles for the dead.

velludo, a adj. hairy, fuzzy, downy.

velorio m. wake/vigil for the dead; dull party that one attends out of duty.

venderse v. to sell, be sold, sell out
— caro to play hard to get, be hard to please.

ventana f. clearing in the scrub bordering a river or surrounding a savanna.

ventarrón m. strong wind.

ventear v. to smell/sniff the wind; to be windy.

vera f. edge; bank, shore
a la on the bank on the near side.

verbigracia adv. for instance, such as.

verter v. to express, voice; to pour (out); to spill; to translate; to flow (into).

vestir v. to rope a cow with a lasso to subdue it.

vez f. time; turn
hacer las —ces to fill in for, take the place of.

vide = .

vido = vio.

vieja f. wooden levered crusher to squeeze juice from sugar cane.

viento m. wind; (mar) direction
por este in these parts, in this area.

vigía f. keeping watch; lookout; watchtower, lookout post.

viril adj. masculine, virile.

vistear v. to watch something with focused interest; to simulate a knife fight.

vivienda f. abode; way of living.

voluntad f. will; wish; purpose.

vorágine m. vortex, whirlpool.

voz f. voice; word
— corriente rumor, gossip, scuttlebutt, that commonly expressed.

Y [^Top]

yacabó, yaacabó m. insect-eating bird with sharp beak and claws, brown on the back, reddish on the breast and edge of wings, white stripes on the belly. Its call sounds like its name. The indians think it brings ill omens, «ya acabó».

yapururo m. bamboo flute used in Guayana.

yaruro, a m./f. member of indian tribe living on the margins of the Capanaporo, Cunaviche, Arauca, and Cinaruco rivers.

yeguada f. herd of horses; error, faux pas.

yerbajo m. scrub, weeds, hierbajo.

yugo m. yoke (ox).

Z [^Top]

zafarse v. to get away, to free, to escape.

zaherir v. to criticize, reprimand, humiliate SO.

zahorí m. diviner/divining (especially for water/minerals); ability to divine.

zahúrda, zahurda f. pigsty.

zalamera f. flatterer, sweet talker, slimeball.

zambo, a adj. knock-kneed; person of mixed race (black and indian).

zamurada f. flock of vultures, buzzards (zamuros).

zamurito m. type of Amazon catfish to 40 cm, very aggressive.

zamuro m. turkey vulture, raptor up to 80 cm in length, dark plumage, bare head and neck that are pink. They form large flocks and eat carrion.

zancada f. long step/stride.

zancudo, a adj. long-legged (bird)
m./f. mosquito, female sucks blood.

zanjar v. to clear up, resolve (difficulties); to dig a trench/ditch.

zape interj. used to scare off cats; to react to an injury that has occurred; to express aversion to taking risks that threaten.

zarpazo m. blow/swipe from an animal’s claw; scratch/injury from a claw swipe.

zoquetada f. meaningless fluff, silliness.

zoquete m. simpleton, fool.

zozobra f. anxiety, upset; capsizing.

zumba f. teasing; beating
— que zumbao, — que air (accompanied song) traditional part (golpe) of a joropo.

zumbado, zumbao, a adj. crazy, out of one’s head; cheeky, forward.

zumbar v. to push, hit; to tease; to buzz (insect)
—se to head for, take off for, leave.

zurcir v. to stitch, mend, darn.

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